When going through a difficult time
the hardest thing for you to do is to |
I read recently that a
strong mental attitude is built the same way as physical strength is
gained - by repetition. Exercising your body and working with
muscle-strengthening weights will build physical strength.
Exercising your brain with positive thoughts and visualization exercises
builds mental strength. It empowers!
You may have a habit of doing a lot of negative thinking - "what if" this or that happens? Or - "what if" this or that doesn't happen? - either way, you worry how you will manage or survive. The repetition of thinking negative has made the habit strong. The discipline of focusing on the positive may not be very strong for you yet; it may be just a light-weight in your life. The way to make it strong is to exercise it. Use it often. Unlike physical exercise, if you do too much positive focusing you will seldom wake up feeling sore and irritable. But you will reinforce to your subconscious mind that life is not meant to be unbearable and limiting. If you "believe" and keep plugging away, you can and will succeed in changing your life to the one you want to live. Most of us get caught in a rut in our "safety zone". We complain and suffer but neglect to do something about our circumstances. It isn't easy to be creative and imaginative when we are feeling down and confused. It often seems so hopeless. It's much easier to think the same self-defeating thoughts because things just don't seem to change fast enough. The spirit of self-help is If you wish to become successful in manifesting your dreams and goals, you must perfect the technique of visualization. However, you also need an inner place to go to visualize, contemplate, meditate, affirm, do spiritual exercises, solve problems, get advice, heal yourself, relax, have fun, hang out, and communicate with yourself and others. Where?
You build an inner place in your imagination. When you do, there isn't a long wait between design and construction. You can imagine something, see how you like it, and change or enhance it - all in a very short time. When you are creating your dream, don't be timid. See it as your heart feels it.
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