Are you struggling with problematic relationships?  Perhaps it's time to explore your psyche's inner dynamics and understand why.




Sometimes it takes years - sometimes a lifetime - to finally understand the psychic energies operating within ourselves that are motivating our behavior and the type of people and experiences we are attracting into our lives.  These energies can and will compel us to enact the same life circumstances and situations with others over and over again, often leaving us feeling as though we are trapped victims of our fates, like a bird in a cage, until we finally become aware of the dynamics which are operating within that are responsible.

As a practicing astrologer, I believe that an accurate chart or horoscope constructed for an individual will indicate his/her propensity for healthy, happy relationships or problematic ones depending on the planetary energies.  These energies (often unconscious and/or repressed) symbolize the inherent archetypal patterns in the individual's  psyche at the time of birth.  In particular, those energies reflected by the Sun, Moon, Venus, and Mars in aspect to Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are very significant.  Hard to believe - but it's true.

Because astrology is a symbolic system, it attempts to express through its imagery and its structure, the energy patterns which underlie life and the human psyche as an aspect of life.  This is done with projection.

The Shadow

Ask someone to give a description of the personality type which he finds most impossible to get along with and he will produce a description of his own repressed characteristics - a self-description which is utterly unconscious and which therefore always and everywhere tortures him as he receives its effect from the other person.
                              Edmund Whitmont
                             The Symbolic Quest
Usually the projection of the shadow falls on one's own sex.  A woman who states that she dislikes the dull, instinctual sort of housewife whose focus is only on diapers and recipes and hasn't any independence or mind of her own may remain comfortably unaware that these qualities belong to her.  And then there is her polar opposite who projects her inner shadow onto another woman whom she thinks is a dreadful, unfeminine person who only  thinks of herself and her own pleasures and doesn't understand the meaning of sacrifice.  

If these two extremes could see whom they were truly describing by their remarks, they would probably shrivel up with embarrassment!

Similarly, the man who abhors other men who are weak, effeminate and dominated by their women will himself suffer from these suppressed personality traits.  His polar opposite is a man who condemns those brutal, aggressive and ruthless types who love war and aggression for the thrill and glory of it and who have nothing better to do but hang out together in bars to discuss their sexual conquests while he unknowingly identifies with them.

The pacifist contains within him a bully, and the hero a coward.

Sometimes the shadow projection falls on an institution, religion, or group rather than an individual.  Mostly, it will be projected onto the people in our lives - (parents, spouses, lovers, children and friends), who will oblige our expectations and outwardly express our unconscious inner images and energies. 

Suspect is whenever we find ourselves the victim of an emotional reaction that is out of proportion to a situation that is really none of our business.  If the reaction seems to come out of left base - it is a clue that we are unconsciously biased to whatever we are rebelling against. 

Children instinctively know about the autonomy of the shadow and many imaginary playmates are  personifications of it which are made responsible for a child's mischievous behavior.  If accused of lying, the child becomes defensive.  Adults react in a similar way when accused of behavior which is a manifestation of their own dark side or shadow.  To tell someone he is expressing his most hated unconscious qualities is to threaten his entire self-image.

Where one is most is most defensive and critical of others is where one is most liable to attract the hostility and opposition of the environment.  


For many people, the shadow is a shameful secret.  However, like all unconscious contents, it seeks consciousness and it would be helpful to take an objective look at it to find out what it has to offer.  Secretly, behind its clumsiness and darkness, the shadow conceals many qualities which are necessary for the ego to become an integrated whole.  The more balanced a person is in permitting some inferiority to express itself in his personality, the more balanced his shadow will be.  The more strenuously righteous he is, the blacker and more destructive the shadow.

Anima - Animus

The anima and animus are two of the most mysterious figures explored by analytical psychology.  They have been known by other names throughout the history of man portrayed in myths, fairy tales, religious themes, and arts of all cultures.  It is around their symbolism that the entire world of male and female interaction hinges in all its complexity.  

Every man contains a woman within him, and every woman a man.  Jung defined these trans- sexual unconscious images as animus and anima.  Astrology infers the same inter-
relationship of male and female within the individual from the presence of both masculine and feminine signs and planets in the birth chart.  

The woman who is able to recognize the attributes of the animus in her psyche can begin to understand her own transsexual side and will no longer project these qualities onto the men in her life.

The man who realizes how he unconsciously projects  his inner image of the perfect woman onto the women in his life will no longer suffer disappointment when the projection wears thin.

However, the anima and animus remain wholly unconscious and are projected for many individuals.

It does not much signify whom one marries, as one is sure to find next morning that it is someone else.
            - Samuel Rogers

Case in point:  Suppose you are a female and your experiences with the men in your life seem to have a common thread.  Maybe all of them seem to be very self-centered, detached, critical, unreliable, etc.  The truth be known, there are energies at work (suggested by the planets in your chart) that indicate you possess a male animus with these characteristics.  Yet, it is difficult to know that you will project these energies onto the men in your life.  

Fly - fly away little bird.  Embrace your freedom and never allow yourself to be trapped - even if you are imprisoned in a gilded cage.

Your father, (symbolized by the Sun and its aspects on your chart), will no doubt be experienced as the first  outward projection and expression of the male aspect of your animus even if he was not physically present.  The projection may exist in your mind.   "No" -  you protest.  "We are complete opposites."   Yes, outwardly but what is he really like inwardly?  For example:  Does he have a passive/ aggressive personality?  Is his quiet demeanor and emotional detachment really a silent protest of a more inhibited rebellious nature?  The aspects on your chart will reveal the truth and much more about your male animus.

Case point two:  It is easier for a man to project the darker and more savage side of the archetypal anima seeing women as devouring and destructive rather than acceptance of her lighter side - creative, inspiring, and magical.  Light cannot exist without darkness.  The anima as a collective embodiment is also highly colored by the individual man's experience of women, particularly the mother.  While the essence of the feminine remains the same, the inner image is different for different men.  

The anima continually seduces a man into the dark world of feeling and emotional entanglement, which can be quite uncomfortable for him, while a woman will be driven by the animus into isolation, independence and self-realization antithetical to her instinctual propensity to live life through personal relationships and unconscious identification with others.

Case point three: If your father rejected or abandoned you when you were a child, you will constantly attract  other male figures either in business or personal relationships who will betray or reject you - or offer you conditional approval and love -  intensifying and reinforcing your childhood trauma.  In essence, you are attempting to enact and substitute a present day scenario with  the one  you remember experiencing as a child but you will not be successful.  You will not attain the love and acceptance you desire from this person/s or undo the hurt and pain you experienced as a child - it will only reinforce it!  With men - it will be played out with his employers and/or authority figures.  With women - men in general - either in a relationship or with  authority figures.  Neither sex are successful until the real motivation is evident and conscious and you are aware of your projection.  You are your own saboteur.

An astrological consultation is available