are you seeking perfect health . . . 
fame and recognition . . .
a loving relationship . . .
wealth . . .
a beautiful life . . .

Having the ability to create your desires is not a new concept.  Books have been written on creative visualization for many years.  Presently, this same message is now being repeated by contemporary psychics.  Much excitement has been aroused by the message of  the prophet Isaiah, whose scroll was discovered intact along with others in the findings of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1946.

Listen carefully - whatever it is your heart is yearning for -  can be yours to have - if only you believe and follow a few simple rules . . .

You must first be aware of the unchangeable law of the universe:

"like attracts like"

Based on an understanding of this information, you must first determine and be aware of your state of being - this is the You on an inner level - not the one that is projected for others to see.  It is not uncommon that your Inner You and Outer You are in conflict.

for example:

Suppose your outer You really wants a relationship - you want to meet someone with whom you can share a life. Someone who loves you and someone you can love.  You want to be happy and intimate with this person.  You've been wishing and visualizing and asking the powers that be for your wish - to no avail.  Naturally, after a while you assume it is just not to be.  It isn't your karma. You are discouraged and your frustration and loneliness heightens.  But, maybe on an inner level, you feel anxiety and fear rejection or believe you will encounter failure in making the relationship work.   You do not wish to suffer any emotional pain.  Maybe you feel it is just too much effort.  There can be a myriad of inner "maybes" that are interfering with your outward wish.

Suppose you are not feeling well - you are in a great deal of pain or you have a chronic disease or ailment that restricts you.  Maybe you have a weight problem and do not look the way you want to look.  You cannot lose weight no matter how much you try.  For reasons unknown consciously, you have created dis-ease in your body. And  most of us only think about those features of our body that we find  undesirable resulting in negative thought and emotion.  This is associated with the Law of Attraction very closely.  You cannot attract anything positive from a  negative state of being - like attracts like.  If your thoughts focus on negativity, you can and will only attract negativity.  It is crucial to be in the same state of being before you begin to co-create your desires.  If you focus on sickness, you can not attract a healthy state of being.  If you think of yourself as "fat" or "ugly", you cannot create a slim body or attractive features.

Then, there can be another issue to consider:  Suppose you have created an ailment to learn compassion for the suffering of others or suppose you  felt you needed to suffer sickness and/or pain to satisfy a punishment you thought you deserved from a past life?  Your spiritual self knows if this is true - you may have to dig deep and ask.  But that doesn't mean you cannot change your present circumstances and re-create a body that enjoys perfect health. Believe it.  Your mind is powerful!!!  Your cure may be the result of other people's  research.  Our modern scientific community is involved in research with DNA, stem cell, laser, etc. at this very moment.  They are responding to the thoughts and desires of the collective to find cures for disease and ailments. Hopefully, their breakthroughs will be used positively for mankind.

Your body is your interface with your world and its condition plays an extremely important part with all your life experiences, circumstances and the people you attract.  If you submit to a defected body or don't love and respect your body, how is anyone else going to? 

Everything that comes to you is by the power of your thoughts.  It is your thoughts that create your life and the people in it.  Those thoughts that have emotions wrapped around them are "charged" and very powerful and will bring change in your life.  Likewise, your present circumstances are the result of former thoughts.  If you are in the habit of focusing on what it is you lack - (a relationship) - or don't want - (loneliness) - this is the energy that you are reinforcing and sending out to the universe.  Since like attracts like, whatever or whoever you feel you are will be reinforced by circumstances and people that your thoughts have attracted .  You will be inundated with negative reinforcement and exposed to other people who are also in the same circumstances, which only re-enforces your doubt and discouragement. 

What is the purpose of our earthly lives? The law of Deliberate Creation, intertwined with the Law of Attraction, addresses the question of why it is that we are here.  It teaches that there isn't anything that we cannot do, be, or have.   It states that we are here because of our powerful desire to incarnate to understand more fully of what powerful creators we are.  It is you and I  who have created our bodies and life experiences!  It is important that you really understand this concept.  

Thinking about what you want is not enough.  You must really feel it and see it in your mind's eye as if it has already happened.  The more you do this, the clearer the visualization will be . . . and the sooner you will manifest! In order to create anything - you must want it passionately,  feel it emotionally and then believe and expect it to materialize.  This powerful combination will bring results  - and very quickly.

To many, this concept may seem like a "catch 22".  While your present circumstances have taught you what it is you don't want - you must not focus on them because this is negative energy.  It makes you feel bad or discouraged.  Accept them as  powerful teaching tools that have brought about an awareness of what is not working in your life . . . what it is you wish to change.  Focus instead on the positive - the new changes you want to create.  Once you understand the process of creating your desires - you should get results very quickly.  How badly do you really want people and circumstances to materialize in your life?

How many of us really know what is bothering us.  Why are we depressed and lack energy and enthusiasm.  Most of us repress our desires and try to cope with our lives as is.  How can you bring about change if you don't know what it is you really want to change? What has depleted your enthusiasm, energy and trust in life?

Make time to reflect on just what it is you want in your life.  (This is the result of what you are now feeling you lack or perhaps never had.)  Write your desires down on a wish list.  You can change, improve, add, modify - whatever -  to  your list.  Don't worry about your desires being too unrealistic or impossible . . . just visualize your dreams and fantasies and expect good things to come to you.  Think of it as stepping into a magic mirror of another world - where a new life, new identify, and new experiences await you -



The following practice should be done on a daily basis for about 10 to 15 minutes.  Select a time and place when you know that you will not be disturbed.  (Set your alarm if you have to so that you may be assured that you will not be interrupted.)

    Before beginning your visualization and creating, assume a positive and cheerful mood.

      In your mind's eye, see what it is you are asking for as if it has already happened.

     Expect it to happen and give thanks.


Never wish harm or bad luck to someone else - it will backfire on you as you will be held responsible and suffer the unerring justice of the universe.