Are you in the right career?

I am inclined to think that the majority of people are in jobs - not careers - that are neither fulfilling or paying enough.  This is supported by the fact that many Americans have two jobs for the last two or three decades.  Some people insist that money is not the ultimate consideration and satisfy their creative drive in a parallel career they consider their avocation.  Or they flit from one job to another like a butterfly hoping to find the right job.

There are indicators to assist you in gaining insight as to where your natural inclinations and talents lie.  Most people are familiar with aptitude tests that may be done with professional counselors trained in this area.  Then, there are esoteric indicators such as an astrological chart and a numerology analysis.  Perhaps not too many people are aware of the latter. 

There really isn't a definite paradigm to adhere to that will insure that one can identify early enough as to what s/he is destined to contribute in his/her lifetime.  It probably depends on the individual's awareness of a special gift or talent, which may lay dormant in the early years.  The ability to reach out and aggressively pursue what you really want is another issue.  If the person is shy or lacks confidence to compete or excel, chances are this individual will not satisfy his/her passion.

Knowledge is powerful.  Self-knowledge is essential. 



 Joseph Campbell said if  a person worked at something that s/he could identify as  his/her  "passion" it would never be considered work - it would be joy. If you are one of those individuals who always knew what you wanted to do and who you wanted to be - you are very fortunate.  While many  people pursued their quest without help, becoming the  "self-made" individual,  others were lucky and had the support and guidance of  parents or someone who cared to  help the individual  gravitate in the desired direction. It would be interesting to know the percentage of people who actually knew their life path at an early age.  Perhaps we can look to our super achievers in the world; the artistic performers, entrepreneurs, government leaders, spiritual leaders, teachers, artists, clergy, health and legal professionals, etc. to get a perspective.  The scenarios would vary from person to person as to how the goal was achieved.

As the above picture hints at  what the young girl may do for a living, we can never be  surprised as to what an individual will become involved in and consider just a "job" .