Most of the time we're so busy being ourselves we don't take time to see ourselves.  We know how we are outwardly but may not be aware of who we are  inwardly. 


This visualization will help you see yourself from a more objective perspective.  It may be a bit challenging because you will alternate between being subjective and objective about yourself, but take it a step at a time and have some fun with it.
Imagine that you call yourself on the phone.  You call yourself so rarely that you can't remember your number at first.  When you do, you dial and hear the phone ring and ring.  Then you hear a recording and realize that you are not home for yourself.  Did you want to leave a message?  No.  You want to speak to yourself so you dial again.  This time the line is busy.  Are you so busy talking to others that you don't have time to talk to yourself?  You try one more time.  This time you hear yourself answer, "Hello" the way you usually do.  Now ask yourself:  "How are you?"  Listen to your answer . . .

It's probably been a long time since you had a good chat with yourself.  Might be a good move to invite yourself over.  What? You don't want to see yourself?  Why not?  Is there something you don't like about yourself?  Are you angry with yourself about something?  Try to find out what's preventing you from wanting to see yourself.  An answer will pop into your mind.  Just asking the question tends to lower your resistance to seeing yourself.  Hear yourself agree to come over.


This visualization exercise continues and is instrumental in revealing some interesting facets of yourself . . . issues you may have been repressing.  If you would like to purchase a copy of this exercise, please advise: