Are miracles in short supply? Has the magic gone out of your life? You may need your fairy godmother.


"You've got to be kidding.  I'm too old for that kind of silliness!  Only children believe in fairy godmothers."  

Really? Where is it written that no one over five is allowed to have a fairy godmother?  It doesn't matter why or when your fairy godmother disappeared from your life taking her magic wand with her.  You can still put the magic back into your life.  How?  By allowing the little child within to call her back.

Picture yourself calling her on the magic hotline.  (Didn't think you had the number, right?)  She answers on the first ring.  And surprise again; she remembers you fondly.  Those times you got what you wanted - or a surprise treat - that was her doing.  She asks how you are.  Well, you're fine - except all the magic has gone out of your life.  Bummer!

Your fairy godmother tells you to make a wish.  You think about something special you have been yearning to have, or do, or be and you let her know your heart's desire.  She then waves her magic wand over your head, sending spirals of stardust cascading over you.  You know in your heart, as surely as you can breathe, that your wish will come true!

Then your fairy godmother does a most surprising thing:  she gives you your own magic wand.  It's as light as a feather and fits in your hand as if it were custom made. You thank her for this wondrous gift.

It occurs to you that maybe the difference between having magic in your life as a child, and having it as an adult, is that as an adult you forgot how to wish for things.  You stopped believing.  Now, having finally listened to the little child within yourself, you realize that you can be in charge of your own magic - with the help of your magic wand.  And there isn't any limit on the number of wishes you can make - and make come true. 

Everyone can benefit from a little magic, so if you want to, wave your magic wand over relatives and friends or even an adversary to transform him/her into an ally.  Spread magic over your home, the town you live in, and the planet for peace and prosperity.

But use your wand for yourself -  and often!  Make your dreams come true.  And they will  simply because you believe they will.  In fact, the more often you use your magic wand, the more powerful it becomes.  So wish away, and make your wishes come true.





Well, as fast as you can say "Alakazam-kazoo," your fairy godmother arrives in a swirl of  sparkles and pastels.  You light up like a Christmas tree at the sight of her.  You give her a big hug and tell how glad you are to see her.  She hugs you back, kisses you on the forehead, and then whisks out her magic wand. 

With a twinkle and a twirl she waves her magic wand over your head three times.  Magic dust spirals through the air like gold dust, like silver glitter, like tiny stars, and settles on you and makes you glow.  Suddenly, you feel released, like a balloon floating up into the sky.  Laughter bubbles up inside you.  You feel sparked with love.  Life is filled with promise.

Did you enjoy this  visualization exercise?  It's purpose was to assist your imaginative faculty.  The mind is very powerful and whatever it is that we believe can come true, usually does.   If you would like to purchase a tape on this or another special visualization exercise, please
e-mail for details: