What is a miracle?  By definition it is "an event that appears unexplainable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God".

Many of us are acquainted with the miracles performed by Jesus (as stated in the Bible) as well as the documented miraculous intercessions of Mary.  Then too, there are known contemporary saints as Mother Cabrini, Father Pio and Mother Theresa.  However, there are many modern day miracles that we may not be aware of - those that have affected  the lives of everyday people resulting in a dramatic transformation of faith and awareness for them and others.

Perhaps you have a story to tell. It could be the one that will be instrumental in changing someone's perspective and/or opening their heart to new understanding and love.  You may have saved a person's life or witnessed a loved one conquer what seemed to be an incurable illness against all odds.   Maybe you found God in your life when you felt lost and defeated.  Whatever your miracle, why not take the time to share it with us.

If you know someone who has a story to tell, encourage them to visit this website and share their story as well.

Here are some guidelines for submitting stories:

Include your name, address and phone number with your submission. (This is necessary should there be any questions on the story.  Your info will be kept confidential.)

Stories may be edited for grammar, spelling, or context.

Stories may not be submitted by anyone under 18 years of age unless given written permission by a parent or guardian.

By sending your story, you agree to give permission to Astradome to publish it on this website.

If you have any questions, or wish to send a brief outline via e-mail prior to the full script, click here to SUBMIT.  Please do not attach anything with your e-mail.  If your story is too lengthy to send, you may request an address in which to mail it.