"Though it is unlikely, but not impossible, that any of the original alien visitors still physically live, their offspring certainly do exist and continue to bring mankind to the brink of spiritual degradation and physical annihilation for their own selfish purposes." Michael Tsarion |
Excerpts from : "Our forefathers have fought the good fight in ages now forgotten and laid down their lives and liberties to eradicate the enemy. They have endure terrestrial paroxysms of unimaginable proportions, famines, plagues, massacres, and inquisitions, imposed upon them by tyrants. Each and every event is etched in the racial memories, in the DNA, of every person living today!" Nothing can be
brought to an end in the unconscious; nothing is past or forgotten. "At this very moment, we are still victims of tyrants and of the tyranny of our own ignorance and complicity." "Once the galactic gate is opened, planet Earth and its inhabitants are utterly doomed. These aliens have no love for us, no care for their host planet, and will in all likelihood incinerate the entire place and all of humanity, by way of HAARP microwave technology now mounted on satellites. They may also use chemical weapons which will leave not a person or creature standing. With all the efforts into remote viewing, nanotechnology, virtual reality, subatomic manipulation, microwaves, silicon, genetic foods, cloning, chemical and germ warfare, cybernetics, vaccines, designer diseases, and the worldwide web. A bleak picture emerges." "The benefit to ordinary man of all this expenditure and industry is virtually non-existent except on the usual utilitarian level. If one is interested to know how the existential dynamics or metaphysical constitution of any agency comes to ruin, merely observe how much of what is naturally and inherently good and normal is lost to it forever. Then observe the manner in which it is removed. Identify the cause or culprits and then, if the desire exists, do something about it without hesitation, weakness, or fear and whether others help or not! " "All that is good has been and still is being systematically removed from our inner and outer environments. Just as a virus penetrates the living cell, so have these alien beings penetrated our planet long ago. It may be a short time before we, the host, are utterly destroyed and before those, who cause our sorry end, spread their wings and rise heavenward once again." We wrestle not
against flesh and blood,
It is conceivable that every Muslim extremist and terrorist worldwide is genetically defective - that something in their DNA or genetic code has been tampered with to enable them to kill themselves and others without guilt or hesitation. If we are open intellectually to the possibility of all that has been researched and written by Mr. Tsarion - then it is conceivable that the "aliens" he believes inhabited Earth 10,000 years ago and who are still among us - have relentlessly and ruthlessly programmed their slave "Homo Sapiens" to self-destruct and kill others. We in the free world and so called "civilized societies" have been witness to the brutality, genocide, disease, poverty, starvation, slavery, and utter disregard for life in many regions of the world. This same virus of destruction is also right here on our doorsteps. It has many varied expressions. Ask yourself the following questions:
Every murderer is a terrorist . . .
Early in this century, America was a bright, shinning light for the world. Like the mighty Eagle, one of her powerful symbols, she would soar to unbelievable heights and become a powerful world leader. However, while the country was growing and expanding internally, corporate and political America (in reality - the elite or alien influence) aggressively and greedily went abroad in pursuit of accessing the resources of smaller and undeveloped countries compromising their standards of living in many instances. History has recorded our participation in world events since our conception as a nation. We reflect back and ask:
It would be appropriate to refer to several excerpts from Mr. Tsarion's novel that offer explanations to much of the above: "Are we aware of the real reasons for genocide, for the mass slaughter which attended colonization? When John Dee entered into communication with he supernatural intelligences, he was informed there would be a price for the information. The oversouls or Macrobes wanted "blood". Blood has occult properties, especially when it is taken from an innocent, murdered in a ritual setting. So in his great pact, Dee put the whole of mankind up as the sacrifice to his masters' cause. This is the reason for the endless wars and conflicts that beset world history. Wars are precisely planned blood rituals." "Many of today's so-called "serial killers" are performing, consciously or unconsciously, acts that have their roots in the darkest of rituals. If a victim is not slain ritually, their energies cannot be absorbed by the "Macrobes". Many modern assassinations are committed at important sites on the Earth Grid . . . ("Jack the Ripper" crimes, as well as the executions of John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Lady Diana Spencer.") "Many serial killers murder between seven and thirteen victims before they are suddenly "caught". "Another strategy used through the centuries was the spreading of the plagues among the peoples of the world. The medical profession has been one of the most effective agents in the bloody rituals and it would shake the world to its very foundations if the full story of their malevolence ever becomes known."
The list is endless and growing every day.