Compiled from the readings of 
Liz Greene - "Relating"

What 'psychological astrology' has to say with regard 
to an individual's ego development


Similar to the blooming of the delicate petals of the Lotus flower, the unfoldment of a  personality is a fragile process.  Yet, it holds the promise of revealing an inner radiant beauty unique to each individual.  It is a gift bestowed to each one of us to become all that we are capable of becoming although very few of us ever really achieve this.

The zodiac, which symbolizes in its division of twelve signs the entire spectrum of potential of human experience, portrays the different facets of the archetype of positive male and negative female energies -  positive meaning outgoing, mind, light, activity, ideas, the objective world and the future - feminine associated with introversion, darkness, feeling, sensuality, stability, the subjective world and the past.

Each individual contains within him/her the seeds of wholeness, symbolized by the horoscope.  However, this is inheritance and potential and he is likely to only manifest a part of it and specialize to his inherent disposition. 

We know that a man can never be anything at once,
never complete - he always develops certain qualities
at the expense of others, and wholeness is never attained.

'Modern Man in Search of a Soul' - C. G. Jung

This disposition is mirrored in the totality of the zodiac which are selected, highlighted, and made available to consciousness on the birth chart either by a planet being placed in a certain sign or that sign appearing on one of the four angles of the chart.  The interplay of ten planets and four angles gives the broad outline of what areas of experience and what facets of consciousness are most likely to be developed by the individual.  As stated, most people never even get close to expressing the psychic potential of which the chart is a symbol, let alone surpass it.

We all possess those functions of consciousness which Jung calls thinking, feeling, sensation, and intuition.  In the course of a lifetime, we will develop first one function, then another.  Perhaps we may even partially develop a third, but never really come to terms with the fourth, which remains largely unconscious.  We then seek in relationships a person who will embody, or enact for us, those aspects of the totality which we are unable, or unwilling, to express ourselves.

Astrological or psychological typology can be used as a wonderful catch-all for other people's shortcomings as  everyone is secretly convinced that those things he values - according to his type - are in reality the best of all, and everything else is actually a little inferior. 

The human psyche strives towards wholeness.  However, wholeness does not mean perfection.  A person who has spent many years cultivating his intellectual perception and expression, yet who can neither express nor understand his feeling nature, is not whole.  Neither is the person who has developed a rich and full feeling life and many meaningful relationships, but cannot understand how to reason or be objective.  Nor is the practical realist who cannot see the meaning and purpose behind his world of matter and facts or the visionary artist who lives in a world of endless possibilities but who cannot cope with the simple mechanics of earthy life and actualize his dreams. 

How many of us can claim to function freely and happily with all the possibilities inherent within the psyche?  Why are we so compellingly attracted to, or repelled by, those who seem to embody lifestyles and values that somehow elude us?

With regard to the functions of consciousness, every astrological chart contains 'superior' and 'inferior' functions as does every human being.  Those functions that are well developed are termed 'superior' and are reliable and under the control of the individual.  However, 'superior' functions have 'opposite' functions, which are termed 'inferior" and which are often unmanageable, erratic, unpredictable, excessive, childish or primitive.  Opposite functions are labeled so because they cannot work well together.  For example - feeling (subjective) and thinking (objective), are two totally distinct modes of evaluating or recognizing experience.  While we possess both these functions in potential, we will use primarily one and not the other; and they cannot both be used at once.  Many people base their values wholly on one and pretend the other does not exist.  Similarly, intuition and sensation are opposite functions.  Intuition is often called perception via the unconscious, and it involves a disregard for the physical reality of an experience or object so that the meaning, the connections, the past and the future possibilities of the object may be seen in one unified vision.  Sensation is precisely what the word implies;  its meaning is perceived through the senses and the senses will register only that which is tangible and possesses form.

Whatever the function of consciousness with which we identify, we must acknowledge the existence of its opposite within us.  This can be extremely difficult because the awkwardness of the inferior functions is a genuine source of pain and inadequacy even if it is partially conscious.

Recognition of one's identification with a single aspect of consciousness doesn't mean that one is doomed for a lifetime to only express this one facet of himself.  People are not static, and the psyche always works towards a balance.  One grows towards one's opposite. 

This page is an attempt  to bring an awareness of the different functions and temperaments of the astrological signs.  It is as they say "only scratching the tip of the iceberg" as Ms. Greene and Jung have a great deal more to offer concerning the inherent gifts and problems with all four temperaments.  Each of them sees, and values, a different aspect of reality, and each of them tends to assume that his reality is the only one.

It must be noted that each of us possess all four functions; but there will be an overbalance and an underbalance, and one function will much more highly developed while one will remain relatively unreliable.  It must also be remembered that by the age '30' most of us have a least two of these functions of consciousness developed to a reasonable degree - one 'superior' function and one 'auxiliary' function.  The auxiliary function will never be the opposite to the dominant one.  And the more dominated we are by our biological and historical heritage, the less we are able to use the individual blueprint of the birth chart which results in painful feelings of inadequacy.

We are always unconsciously drawn to that which we lack in relationships because they will provide an opportunity to develop greater inner integration.  

Many other factors will affect the balance of elements on the birth chart.  One cannot evolve a formula to extract the psychological type of the individual from the horoscope.  One must first experience it in the individual, and this knowledge should then be applied to the chart.  Otherwise Jung's typology becomes an inanimate structure.  A horoscope interpreted only by post based on birth data but with no direct knowledge of the individual will be a dismal failure from the point of view of psychological exploration.  Astrology used in this way can do little as a tool to help the individual on his journey towards self-unfoldment.

Somehow we must all find the delicate balance between our physical  sex, with its accompanying psychological bias, and the inherent disposition suggested by the horoscope at birth.


 the Self is in a constant state of flux and growth - 
ever changing - ever evolving.



AIR ELEMENT - Thinking Function
Gemini - Libra - Aquarius

These signs are usually described as being detached, communicative, interested in the world of ideas and favoring rationality. All three signs share the need to relate life experiences to a preconceived framework of ideas that may come from outside, culled from books, teachings and conversations of others, or from within, created by one's own laborious mental processes.  The existence of the framework is very important and there is a tendency to take all experiences and seek in them the underlying pattern of logic which will make them conform to this preconceived structure.  Air people have a highly developed mind, a sense of fairness and capacity for impersonal assessment of situations, the love of culture, the appreciation of structure and system, the courageous adherence to principles, and the refinement.  

The airy type - and this is not limited to a person born under an air sign - as it does to one whose chart as a whole contains a predominance of airy factors (other planets in air especially Mercury and/or Moon)  will have a problem with feelings. 

WATER ELEMENT - Feeling Function
Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces

The true water type (and this is not necessarily an individual born in a water sign, but someone whose chart suggests as a whole a preponderance of this element) will value personal relationships and human values.  Anything will be sacrificed in order to preserve relationships, and it is typical of water to create any kind of crisis necessary even at his own expense to evoke a feeling response from his/her partner.  The symbolism of the water signs contains three cold-blooded creatures:  the crab, the scorpion, and the fish.  In dreams these images are usually connected with the instinctual, unconscious energies which are close to the archaic natural roots of man and very remote from the world of rational, differentiated human thought.  Most of the water's evaluation of life is done at an unconscious level.  Water simply responds and his responses to any personal situation are almost unerringly accurate and appropriate.  In contrast, air's responses are contrived, based on principles, usually appropriate in theory, but completely wrong for the particular human situation in which the individual finds himself.

Water has the inherent capacity to feel what another feels, and to assess things in what appears to be a totally irrational way which can be infuriating to the airy type, who must reason everything out.  When put on the spot, water will show his own inferior thinking.  He can be prone to gossip, backbiting, and a kind of ideological fanaticism.  

EARTH ELEMENT - Sensation Function
Taurus - Virgo - Capricorn

We relate to the world of objects through the senses, and it is difficult to discount or repress thoughts, feelings or intuitions - particularly in an age when most  of the empiric sciences have given their stamp of approval only to that which has concrete form. 

The three earth types are described as practical, efficient, full of common sense, sensual, realistic, well-organized and fond of money, security, and status.  The function of sensation is the "reality function", and in this sphere the earthy type excels, managing to make order out of the random array of stimuli which assault the senses by relating to each one individually, savoring it, learning its nature and moving on to the next.  He is at home with his body, frequently identifying himself with it and he is usually healthy because he can express his physical desires directly.  He manages money and responsibilities effortlessly which mystifies those who are more intuitive.  He has a gift for actualizing his desires and this capacity for "earthing" shows at its best when combined with thinking to produce the careful empiric thinker, the impeccable researcher and statistician, or with  feeling, to produce the happy sensualist, the affectionate lover and father, the patron of nature and of all beautiful things. 

However, his inferior function is intuition and he misses the significance of the connections between the facts, the relationships that link them with common meaning; and while he manages with ease the complexities of the world of objects, he is liable to miss the inner significance of his own life.

FIRE ELEMENT - Intuitive Function
Aries - Leo - Sagittarius

The element fire is probably the most confusing element when an attempt is made to correlate its traditional attributes with those of Jung's 'intuitive' type.  This is partially because many astrological texts seem to accept at face value the traditional statements that fire is warm, outgoing, self-centered and lucky without questioning why he is like this and what truly motivates their curious temperament.  There is also a considerable amount of confusion about what Jung means by intuition.  It is commonly associated with mediums, séance parlors, and other assorted oddities which belong more to the realm of feeling.

Because intuition is in the main an unconscious process, its nature is very difficult to grasp.  The intuitive function is represented in consciousness by an attitude of expectancy, by vision and penetration . . . intuition is not mere perception or vision, but an active, creative process that puts into the object just as much as it takes out.
                            'Psychological Types' - C. G. Jung

Intuition tries to encompass the greatest possibilities.  If this is confusing to the reader, it is often more so to many intuitive types, who because they are not given any insight into their own psychic constitutions by science and orthodox education - who generally claim that such a function does not exist - are often unsure and mistrustful of the very aspect of themselves which is most highly developed.

Intuition is generally permitted to women with a certain patronizing attitude.

Fire people are children at heart and inclined to live in a world of fantasy and romance.  They have a strong need to mythologize their experiences and relate them to an inner world which belongs more to the world of fairy tales than to 'reality'.  He possesses an inferior sensation function and tends to repress his awareness of objects in order to draw closer to the essence of a situation, its possibilities and its meaning in a larger context.  He is often known to say "I have a hunch".