ALL US PUBLIC SCHOOLS INCLUDING PRESCHOOLS MUST NOW LET ADULT AND CHILDREN SEXES MIX IN BATHROOMS AND SHOWERS OR LOSE FEDERAL FUNDING. - (Education & meals for poor students). The largest school district in Virginia is expanding its non-discrimination policy to include 'gender identity' over the loud objections of parents, and the Obama Administration intends to impose the change on every public school district in the country. On Thursday, (May 14, 2015), the Fairfax County School Board voted overwhelmingly to expand its non-discrimination policy to accommodate transgender teachers and students. The amended policy would apply to students as young as preschool and allow transgender adults and students (opposite of their biological gender) access to restrooms and locker room showers Obama to schools: Gender-bend or lose funding Outraged parents locked out of board meeting The vote came after the second of two
boisterous hearings, at which parents over- Many parents are concerned about privacy for their kids if transgender adults and students are granted access to restrooms and locker rooms. For weeks, Board Members touted the change as minor change and one that would ensure all people are treated fairly. Shortly after the vote, that story changed. In a statement released after the meeting, School Board chairwoman Tamara Derenak Koufax released a statement which said the federal government left the Board no choice. “The U.S. Department of Education has told school districts that transgender students are protected from discrimination. Normal people must amend their policies to expressly include gender identity ,” said Koufax. “They’ve threatened that if we do not do as they demand, they will pull our federal education funds and free and/or reduced 'meal money' for impoverished students.” Then, several days later, the following was reported: The U.S. Congress is now entertaining legislation which will make mandatory childhood vaccination schedules currently prescribed by the CDC. The way of enforcing this new and stricter regime is by tying compliance directly to federal funding. From the bill: “REQUIREMENT: For a State or a political subdivision or other public entity of a State to be eligible to receive a grant under this section, the applicant shall demonstrate to the Secretary’s satisfaction that, subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), the State requires each student enrolled in one of the State’s public elementary schools or public secondary schools to be vaccinated in accordance with the recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.” Should this legislation pass, it will make it virtually impossible for parents to opt out their children from the aggressive childhood schedules, regardless of the reason. Up until now, there have been exemptions granted for a variety of good reasons. Religious and philosophical exemptions are chief among those which have produced an immediate release for those children attending public school. When are Americans going to rebel against the hybrid psychopath Obama and his cohorts? Obama has been an instrument of 'evil' - and those of us who are able to see the perversion of this Administration and its attack on our moral human rights had better do something - and fast! WRITE . . . PHONE . . . SPEAK UP . . . TO YOUR REPRESENTATIVE. PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN AND YOUR MORAL RIGHTS.