It is generally
understood that anyone born under the sign of Aries,
has an Aries
Ascendant, planets in the sign of Aries
and/or planets situated in the 1st house of the natal
chart will possess those energies related to the "fire"
element within their psyche.
consented to a sojourn in which s/he would demonstrate qualities of
leadership and unbridled courage. Arians crave adventure, the
novelty of the new enterprise, and the excitement of risk-taking and
danger. The challenge of this sign is to learn patience and
selflessness, which they usually learn the hard way. Being too
impulsive, they often make costly mistakes. Many do not consider the feelings of others while on
their hot pursuits of self-aggrandizement. They can be quite
hurtful with comments that are blurted out in anger - words that
can never be forgotten by those receiving them. They have a short
"fuse" and will often react in an exaggerated outburst.
As they evolve, their
urge for excitement and danger in physical ways lessens and they
become more focused towards a specific goal. They begin to respect
and accept other people's feelings and viewpoints. When their energy is
positive, they are fearless even in the face of life's most difficult
circumstances. They make excellent contributions to society with
their new projects, inventions, and discoveries.
The North Node in the 1st
house or in Aries - Indicates the importance of initiative and
independent action to the life task; traits that must be
developed. This life requires courage and individual
initiative. Building confidence is essential to balance the
dependency sought in former lifetimes. Need to follow their
impulses and drives and be master of their own destiny.
Saturn in Aries or the 1st
house - Indicates a fear of self-expression or self-assertion that must
be overcome. The cure lies in involvement with others who will
provide the opportunity for self-assertion, ability to overcome shyness,
awkwardness, and a lack of courage and confidence. Can indicate an
abuse of will in a former lifetime which is now being balanced by the
frustrations and delays in attaining one's goals.
It is generally
understood that anyone born under the sign of Taurus,
has a Taurus
Ascendant, several planets in the sign of Taurus
and/or planets situated in the 2nd house of the natal
chart will possess those energies related to the "earth"
element within their psyche.
teaches loyalty, love, and responsibility. They focus their energy
on work and productivity for the benefit of society, family, and
self. Developed Taureans
are loyal, steady, hardworking, and reliable, making them the corner
stones of society. Their love for beauty leads to a refined
aesthetic sense and they are very active in professions that require their
skills. After lifetimes of acquiring wealth and security, they know
how to make money quite easily and are often baffled by the struggle
others have with this.
Undeveloped Taureans
are stubborn, rigid, and resistant to change. They often feel
persecuted by any kind of change not realizing that all life is
change! Their slow, plodding manner, addiction to routine, and lack
of openness to the new make them predictable and sometimes boring.
They may lack imagination, intuition, vision, and a spiritual
perspective. However, many are secretly fascinated with physic phenomena.
They can be obsessive about material security and a love of comfort and
the finer things of life. They can have a poverty
"consciousness" with too much emphasis on monetary values.
Sometimes, they can be quite stingy.
The North Node in
the 2nd house or Taurus - The need to develop a sense of identity
and a sense of self-worth. Must become aware of what they value and
desire and create or build something that reflects this need. Tangibles
are important as well as financial self-sufficiency. Should define a
talent as the life task may involve using a specific skill or talent.
Saturn in Taurus
or the 2nd house - Obstacles and delays in making money. Often
symbolizes a fear of poverty and a sense of never having enough resulting
from an experience of scarcity in a past life. Prone to
hoarding. Must learn that no amount of wealth can buy security or a
sense of self-worth - it must come from within.
It is generally
understood that anyone born under the sign of Gemini,
has a Gemini
Ascendant, several planets in the sign of Gemini
and/or planets situated in the 3rd house of the natal
chart will possess those energies related to the "air"
element within their psyche.
wishes to sample a variety of life experiences. They are
knowledgeable in many areas and topics and are wonderful
communicators. Their joy is self-expression. They are a
delight at a party indulging in light, interesting, conversation and are
able to put others at ease with their humor and lighthearted banter.
They exude charisma and their youthful demeanor will never reveal their
true age. Because their need to learn and communicate is so strong,
they will spend a great deal of time reading, listening, writing, and
talking to others. Advanced Gemini
brings to the world a lust for
knowledge, a keen wit, and a refined ability to convey what they have
learned as a result of their insatiable curiosity.
The undeveloped Gemini
has a short attention span. They can be flighty, unfocused, and
superficial. Many never become proficient in any particular
niche. They may live too much in their heads and fail to appreciate
their bodies, emotions, and their spirit.
The North Node in
the 3rd house or Gemini - Must learn to analyze and think logically.
Open-mindedness and attention to facts are important to balance
intolerance and blind faith in former lifetimes. Develop the ability
to listen - and to communicate about mundane issues. The life will
be spent in the use and development of the individual's powers of reason
and communication.
Saturn in Gemini
or the 3rd house - Fear of being considered stupid by others prevents
individual from expressing ideas and thoughts. Can stutter or have hearing disability. Early school experience difficult because of
shyness. Suffer from the insensitivity of other siblings. Feelings
of inferiority. Must develop self-expression.
It is generally
understood that anyone born under the sign of Cancer,
has a Cancer
Ascendant, several planets in the sign of Cancer
and/or planets situated in the 4th house of the natal
chart will possess those energies related to the "water"
element within their psyche.
Angel Cancer
is naturally psychic and
"tuned in". His/her intuition is very heightened. He
understands emotion and pain - his own and that of others. He has
much empathy to give. He
is also very capable of "birthing" new ideas and his creativity abounds.
Residual feelings of
dependency from former lifetimes continue to influence the Cancer
individual. He/she needs to develop a sense of self and a personal
identity separate from others so that they do not feel panicky and empty
when a relationship is withdrawn or not available to them. Yet, Cancer's
strengths evolve from these early experiences of dependency. As a
result, they know what others need and they have the compassion to respond
lovingly to them. These qualities make them ideally suited to caring
for others. They are the "caretakers" of the
To be happy, Cancer
needs to find a niche that provides him/her with the same warmth and caring that
they give to others. Whatever their work, it must give emotional
satisfaction and a feeling of being needed and appreciated. If it
doesn't, they will become resentful, moody, sullen and crabby.
The North Node in
the 4th house or Cancer - These individuals are exploring and
developing the personal sphere of life: home, family, feelings, and
caring for others. They need to let go and feel vulnerable and show
how they feel. They must not try to control situations or others.
Saturn in Cancer
or in the 4th house - Symbolizes the need to address a difficulty with a
family member stemming from a former lifetime. Subjected to heavy
responsibilities and burdens with family. May have to care for a
parent. Childhood situation was difficult. Father may
have died or been very cold and authoritative. Home life lacking in
warmth and emotional closeness.
It is generally
understood that anyone born under the sign of Leo
has a Leo
Ascendant, several planets in the sign of Leo
and/or planets situated in the 5th house of the natal
chart will possess those energies related to the "fire"
element within their psyche.
seeks his own center. He will invest time and energy in
self-development and self-expression. Because of a preoccupation
with his ego and the desire for attention, he will seek the spotlight.
Once there - he must perform. Slowly, through may lifetimes, his
creative and expressive talents develop. However, his need for
power, self-advancement, attention, and superiority can interfere with his
ability to relate to others as equals. He often becomes domineering.
most outstanding quality is his ability to attract and lead others.
He loves to be "in charge." In time, as he builds
confidence, he will have an intense dedication and belief in himself which
spills over to others. Leos
win the confidence of others with their optimism, warmth, playfulness, and
genuine caring. It's very difficult not to like them. Thus
they can win the help they need to accomplish great deeds. They are
fine actors, musicians, singers, dancers, and comedians. They also
are found in the teaching profession as their expressiveness and drama
make them naturally appealing - especially to children.
The North Node in
the 5th house or
Leo - Must learn to love on a one-to-one. This is a
lifetime to pursue own individuality and goals rather than put energy in
group endeavors. Time for self-development, creativity,
self-expression, romance, love, fun, play, and joy.
Saturn in
Leo or in the 5th house -
Gives a fear of self-expression due to a lack of confidence, courage,
self-assertion, energy, and enthusiasm. They may have misused their
power or self-expression in past lives. They find it hard to
play, be spontaneous, and enjoy life and are often shy, stiff, or
awkward. Struggle with feelings of being unloved and
inadequacy. Although hungry for love and affection, will find it
difficult to express themselves. Must learn to love self.
Karmic debt owed to a child.

It is generally
understood that anyone born under the sign of Virgo,
has a Virgo
Ascendant, several planets in the sign of Virgo
and/or planets situated in the 6th house of the natal
chart will possess those energies related to the "earth"
element within their psyche.
has spent many lifetimes in servile
roles. This is valuable to their evolution as it provides experience
with handling the exigencies of life. It gives them the opportunity
of developing humility, efficiency, thoroughness, and a sense of
duty. But Virgos can get hung up on "service." If
they do not have fire or other identity-strengthening factors in their
chart, they may lose themselves in service to others and wind up bitter
and depressed. After learning to transcend the resentment and anger
of early lifetimes of servitude, they become consummate and humble
servants. At some time in their evolution, they realize goodwill and
good work will raise them from their position of servitude to a position
of "expert" when they realize their own intrinsic worth.
Eventually, they aspire to be noticed and appreciated for their own
The North Node in
the 6th house or
Virgo - These individuals have spent many lifetimes
secluded from the world in monasteries, prisons, or asylums; lost in
visions, drugs, meditation, dreams, or creativity; or dependent and
helpless. From these experiences they developed their compassion,
imagination, and psychic sensitivity. They must now learn to be in
the world and embrace routines and mundane responsibilities. The
challenge is to find a way to apply their compassion and sensitivity
practically in the world to serve others such as being involved in health
and diet, healing, analysis, organization, and crafts.
Saturn in
or in the 6th house - May have a fear of illness. Can indicate
health difficulties which may be either mental or physical. Should
learn the connection between mind and body. This placement may be
teaching the importance of diet, hygiene, and proper care of the
body. May find self in a subservient position . Indicates
limitations, frustrations, and discontentment with work. Leaning how
to organize priorities.

It is generally
understood that anyone born under the sign of Libra,
has a Libra
Ascendant, several planets in the sign of Libra
and/or planets situated in the 7th house of the natal
chart will possess those energies related to the "air"
element within their psyche.
Libra hates to be
alone. He/she needs a partner and is willing to give all to the
significant person in his life; sometimes at the expense of his own
self-development. Many
Libras keep looking for the perfect love; someone
they can idealize. They have difficulty in making decisions and so
will allow others to make decisions for them. Like
dependency can be an issue for them. They must learn not to put all
their focus on one individual and to balance their lives with friends,
career, and personal goals.
Relationships for
are often
very painful. Eventually the fantasy fades, reality rears its ugly
head, and they are faced with the realization that they are ultimately
alone in life and must make their own choices. But, out of their
pain, they have leaned how to negotiate, counsel, and mediate. They
make excellent marriage counselors and lawyers.
The North Node in
the 7th house or
Libra - Should use the confidence, courage,
self-assertion, and leadership skills they developed in former lifetimes
to encourage, support, and empower others and to create harmony and peace
among people. This is a lifetime of being helpful to others and
being aware of their needs and learn to cooperate and share.
Saturn in
or in the 7th house - Fear of abandonment and loneliness.
Longing for a relationship but because of the fear of being hurt, will
choose partner who is safe, older, and inclined toward being very serious
and rigid. Their anticipation of being hurt or rejected by others
can become a self-fulfilling prophesy. They tend to form
relationships that are restricting, burdensome, disappointing, or
unloving. They are forced to face certain important lessons in love
and to learn to cope with aloneness.

It is generally
understood that anyone born under the sign of Scorpio,
has a Scorpio
Ascendant, several planets in the sign of Scorpio
and/or planets situated in the 8th house of the natal
chart will possess those energies related to the "water"
element within their psyche.
At His/her worst,
Scorpio can be ruthless, vengeful, tenacious, and hard-hitting.
He is stubborn and determined to have his own way and so will engage
in many power struggles in his lifetime - particularly with personal
relationships. He tends to submerge him/herself in those he loves
and then attempt to control and manipulate them to his own end.
Scorpios are learning how to be equal partners, to be intimate, to trust,
and to let go of loved ones. These lessons are very difficult and
painful and when a relationship fails, they have difficulty in moving
on. The tendency is to blame, find fault, and seek revenge.
Scorpio learns that resentment and blame do not heal their
broken hearts.
Those who have lived
Scorpio lifetimes have experienced many losses. As a result,
they develop insight into human nature and life's mysteries. Scorpios seek answers to questions about life, which eventually helps
them to develop understanding and strength. They learn that life
is neither controllable or predictable.
The North Node in
the 8th house or Scorpio - The shifting from material values to
spiritual values, from ownership to joint ownership, and from a focus on
self-development to partnership. Scorpios are here to share their
resources, support others, and to manifest their desires. Teamwork
is essential. Their life work may involve areas related to growth,
sex, healing, change, crisis intervention, reform, death, and
Saturn in
or in the 8th house - Indicates a fear of intimacy and difficulty
merging with another. Relationships may involve unfaithfulness,
betrayal and/or abandonment. Problem with sexual dysfunction or
promiscuity. May be a victim of sexual abuse.
Financial burden within a partnership. Lesson is to become aware
of own motivation and to learn how to trust and share.

It is generally
understood that anyone born under the sign of Sagittarius,
has a Sagittarius
Ascendant, several planets in the sign of Sagittarius
and/or planets situated in the 9th house of the natal
chart will possess those energies related to the "fire"
element within their psyche.
searches for the truth. He/she is restless and enjoys his
freedom so necessary to his search. During his lifetime, he
will endeavor to learn and compile information concerning
religion, law, and world philosophies. He loves to travel and will
venture on long distant journeys of both land and mind. His
carefree nature makes it difficult for him to commit to
responsibility. Many lifetimes spent in free exploration and
independent activity may also interfere with developing relationship
skills. He lacks a sense of direction and purpose.
After many lifetimes,
Sagittarius will develop a rich appreciation of life and will have moved
beyond divisive philosophies to a broader, all-inclusive philosophy,
which views life and humanity benevolently. He will have tasted all
the diversity of life and now realize the underlying principles behind
that diversity. He will then usually have prestigious positions in
government, law, and religion.
The North Node in
the 9th house or
Sagittarius - The need to learn to go beyond logic
and trust their intuition. In the past, knowledge was sought from
books and other people. The lesson now is to go within for
answers. A lifetime of devoted to spiritual questing.
Their life task may relate to bringing the truth they uncover to others
through the ministry, law, teaching, writing, speaking, publishing,
psychic readings, or channeling. They are here to provide
inspiration, hope, faith, and a spiritual perspective.
Saturn in
or in the 9th house - These individuals may have experienced mental
oppression, dogmatism, or restriction of personal freedom in former
lifetime from religious, legal, governmental, or educational
institutions or from family members resulting in an agnostic
attitude. Must discover own truth and belief system that works for
them. Must not force belief system on others.

It is generally
understood that anyone born under the sign of Capricorn,
has a Capricorn
Ascendant, several planets in the sign of Capricorn
and/or planets situated in the 10th house of the natal
chart will possess those energies related to the "earth"
element within their psyche.
Capricorn may
be rigid and stern until he/she develops the positive characteristics of
dependability, loyalty, conventionality, practicality, patience,
endurance, and the ability to lead. They may be cold and
indifferent towards others lacking compassion and empathy. They
can be obsessed with work, stopping at nothing to achieve money, power,
status, and recognition. Once they learn the
proper use of power and authority and develop an impeccable work ethic,
they are brilliant leaders and have much to offer the world. They develop
systems, organizations, conventions, and formulas that help society run
smoothly. Their earlier desire for gold and prestige fades, which
allows them to invest their practical skills in furthering less
self-centered ambitions. They often use their elevated social positions to make changes
that will improve society. They become philanthropists or use
their skills to help people in other ways.
The North Node in
the 10th house or
Capricorn - These
individuals must be involved in
the world and in a career. They need to set goals and achieve
them. Rather than depending on others for their care and identity,
they are learning to take responsibility for their lives. The life
task will develop their ability to manage and lead with a focus on
self-sufficiency. The career is likely to central to the life task
and may even be identical to it.
Saturn in Capricorn
or in the 10th house - May have a fear of success as well as a fear
of failure. Anxious about one's own power because of public humiliation
in a previous lifetime stemming from a fall from a high social position.
They would be wise to refrain from using
unethical means for attaining power and from abusing the power they
do achieve so as not to repeat the same mistake. There is an intense
ambition and the need to be important although he has a sense of
inadequacy. Must work hard to attain and maintain social
status although he will encounter obstacles, delays, disappointments, or lack
of opportunity in the career. However, with hard work, caution,
discipline, and humility, great things can be achieved.

It is generally
understood that anyone born under the sign of
Aquarius, has a
Aquarius Ascendant, several planets in the sign of
Aquarius and/or planets situated in the 11th house of the natal
chart will possess those energies related to the "air"
element within their psyche.
shines in the crowd but is not at his best with his one-to-one
relationships. He avoids intimacy and the emotional side of
life. His involvement is with groups and the desire to serve
humanity. Despite his emotional detachment, his friendliness and
acceptance of others allows him to get along with many different types
of people. However, his partner or significant other may wish
nurturing and closeness only to find him lacking in feeling, difficult
to know, and nearly impossible to understand. Their best match is
someone who has the same need for space and freedom. It takes
numerous lifetimes as a
Cancer, or
Scorpio to develop the
relationship skills they lack.
Most Aquarians
have a strong bent for science and mathematics. Usually ahead of their
time, their ideas are creative and unique and do not conform to the
status quo. They are often found in the social services field or within
political organizations. They have an important role in
representing progressive ideals and introducing new ideas that pave the
way for future progress and improvement of the human condition.
The North Node in
the 11th house or Aquarius - The
need to place humanitarian concerns over their own personal desires and
drives. They have creative talents, leaderships skills, a strong
will, and determination honed from previous lifetimes, which they need
to use for the good of society. The life task is likely to be
involved with a cause, a group endeavor, new ideas, science, technology,
astrology, and computer science.
Saturn in Aquarius
or in the 11th house - Former lifetimes of rejection by a group,
community, or peers may have left emotional scars resulting in
feelings of isolation and not belonging in the present lifetime.
These individuals need to become involved with others and express
themselves with a group. This is the only way for them to overcome
their sense of inferiority and shyness. Those they do form
friendships with may be people they knew in former lifetimes.

It is generally
understood that anyone born under the sign of Pisces,
has a Pisces
Ascendant, several planets in the sign of Pisces
and/or planets situated in the 12th house of the natal
chart will possess those energies related to the "water"
element within their psyche.
is here to serve. The suffering and dependency of early lifetimes
develops his/her compassion and empathy, which fuels the goal of service
in later lifetimes. Through service, they heal their sense of
loneliness and alienation. Their feeling of not belonging in the
world is remedied by knowing that they belong to another world - the
world of spirit - and by their ability to serve others by translating
this realm for them. At this level, they are often psychics or
mediums. At their most advanced, they are religious leaders and
spiritual teachers who guide others in understanding the Self and the
nature of the universe. They are the mystics and the gurus who
heal not only the psyche but also the soul.
The North Node in
the 12th house or Pisces - The
need to develop spiritual awareness and understanding. These
individuals are pursuing spiritual truth, which usually requires some
solitude. Their search may result in their becoming spiritual
healers or teachers, psychotherapists, psychics, artists, musicians,
monks, or nuns. Their gifts are imagination, creativity, insight,
intuition, inspiration, and spiritual understanding.
Saturn in Pisces
or in the 12th house - Many individuals are drawn to serving others
confined in institutions. It may be a way for them to repay
service they received from society when they were dependent or
incapacitated. Their desire to serve also comes from the
compassion they developed from having been confined, mentally ill, or
helpless in a former lifetime.

It is not easy being
an Angel
in human disguise. It took a great deal of love and commitment to
make the journey - and there weren't any promises of rewards in this
lifetime or any other. It is presumed that only on the spiritual
dimension Angels
are rewarded by the Creator. Their auras or Merkabahs
vibrate more brilliantly with a magnificent array of breathtaking light
and color unimaginable to us on this plane. So be kind to
yourselves and love yourselves for all the effort and pain you have
endured as well as all the contributions you have made with each mysterious human

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