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a must read . . . |
24, 2013
The House voted 215 - 205 in favor of the NSA to continue their eavesdropping on all phone calls, emails, etc. This is a violation of our Constitutional rights under the 4th Amendment. Evidently, there are 215 politicians concerned about what personal information the government has collected on them. Perhaps this was a negotiating factor for their vote. Every citizen is urged to obtain a list of those representatives who voted in favor of continuing these 'spy' tactic on all American citizens. BE PRO-ACTIVE. DEFEND YOUR RIGHTS
To All ~
It's been a while since I have added an article to this series. I'm writing novels these days and the manuscript I am presently working on is a sequel to my last publication - 'Sophia And The Archons' - (very time consuming). Besides, there is so much happening in the World, it is really difficult to keep up. By the time I finish researching and writing an article, it can be 'old news' when I finally upload it on this website. However, the information I am sharing with you presently really caught my attention and I feel compelled to advise everyone. As it so happens, the 'facts' I am uploading today support my new novel's premise. So much for synchronicity. I am grateful that my attention was inadvertently drawn to a very informed and interesting woman by the name of Deborah Tavares. She was a guest speaker on an early morning radio show I usually don't frequent. I caught just enough of what she was saying to make me pause and listen further. Her message was intense. Even though I've been around the 'political muck' for some time, I was still taken 'off guard' by what she had to say. I memorized her website before going back to sleep. It's: "Stop the Crime.net." An extremely informative and heart wrenching site. Following are a few comments from her numerous links. I haven't had the time to validate her reporting, but I've heard similar comments from other sources and so I believe her info is accurate. Let's start with some very alarming news: (Ms. Tavares' words are in quotes . . .) "It is very important to understand that what we thought was our government is not. The United States is being run by bankers and mega corporations posing as a legitimate government - and they are not. We are and have been USA, Inc. and now the bankers have a new name for the globe - Earth, Inc. aka a New World Order . . a totalitarian government of total oppression and total control over every aspect of our lives. The Department of Defense is a corporate agency of the mother corporation USA, Inc. The goal is to collapse the economy of the United States, along with many other goals . ." "The DOD by using the guise of 'such a difficult decision' to furlough thousands is a cover up for creating economic hardships on the family - this is Economic Warfare. This technique has been successfully used by the bankers to eliminate millions of jobs and cripple and further weaken the economy. Budget cuts and mandatory unpaid days off require all family members work outside the home-front and hand over their occupationally orphaned children to government indoctrination camps aka schools. . . The plan of the elites in spelled out in the "Silent Weapons Quiet Wars" policy." "Note: a representative government operating under the constitution would not be spraying us with toxic chemicals (the Geo-engineering Program) via the U.S. Air Force and the many other agencies and corporations ‘allowed’ to fly over all of us creating 'weaponized' weather events, nor would a representative government want poison (fluoride and other toxic chemicals) in our water supply, nor would a representative government massively increase artificial frequencies to cause countless health disorders from the microwave radiation, nor would we be fighting against Monsanto to prevent GMO (terminator seeds) in our food supply, attacking our farmers and stealing our property though the schemes in the United Nations Agenda 21 aka Future Earth Agendas - this is just to list a few of the assaults. This is directed GENOCIDE through the quiet weapons system. . .simply said they want YOU to DIE . . . and they are KILLING YOU." _____________ "Tavares' Comment: The purpose of the sensors being deployed on our
children in schools should now be clear - and all this additional
information will be collected and analyzed at the NSA, the massive data
collection center in Bluffdale, Utah, where the harvested information
from our children will be stored and used to track and transform our
kids, and to mold and reshape future society. Actually, data is being
collected on every human being on the planet. You may say, " So what! - I
have nothing to hide." Understand this is unwarranted searches of your
MIND and YOUR THOUGHTS. Just think - if you even think of a
criminal action you will be swept off the streets and incarcerated in
the prison system where you will be used as slave labor while being
chemically altered for best behavior outcomes as required by the system.
NSA is Quantum Computing and the next phase of this 'Data
Analysis' is a World run by computers known as artificial
intelligence (AI). Human emotions will be discarded and computers will
make decisions for all of us. Computers are void of feelings, ethics, or
concern for life itself. We see a rush to harvest and collect profiles
on every human being on the planet and keep in mind the Global Smart
Grid is a large component of the enslavement and incarceration in your
homes." "(Read the recommended documents located on the 'Source Doc' Tab "The elite believe their power over us is derived by creating TERROR and Propaganda. Learn the TRUTH to live without the FEAR . . .So what do we do? We must not participate! We must educate ourselves and read the source documents. We MUST NOT allow our children to attend any government indoctrination camps aka government schools that have adopted the Common Core Curriculum. In fact, the No Child Left Behind School Program was set up to leave our children behind. We are left with ONLY one choice - to find home schooling networks in your communities and not enroll your children into a certain future of mind control which is planned to reduce the human race to mere cattle on a field to be slaughtered by the elite." "Final Note: The 'Silent Weapons Quiet Wars' policy will tell you about the plan to reduce OUR education to the poorest quality and to mandate the use of Ritalin, a drug, on our children to provide for a faster fracturing of the family unit." "The reality is - this is a tracking chart - and like the IRS and the census this information is used for surveillance and monitoring. This chart will show the progress being made towards bankrupting AMERICA, and monitor the progress of the projected goals and the timing to determine the accomplishments by the Global Bankers that are controlling AMERICA. We know that mega bankers and mega corporations are controlling the United States and posing as a legitimate government, which they are NOT." Deborah Tavaras ________________
I highly recommend: 'Human
Race Get Off Your Knees' An insightful novel about the covert plans of the Illuminati and the elite shadow government *** Carol A. Reimer