A sequel to Sophia And The Archons . . .
"The individual is handicapped by
coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous, he cannot believe it
exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the
evil, which has been introduced into our midst This provocative quote by the late J. Edgar Hoover will arouse an automatic rebuttal of disbelief within most individuals until its message resonates with a ‘knowingness’ on a deeper level and validates his suspicions and fear. Throughout history, people have been victim to incredible inhumane treatment of 'psychopaths' who were in power. Those who rebelled were crushed and killed. Look at humanity’s history of war. Frankly, I am tired of talking about these ‘horrors’. History is nauseatingly redundant. The point is - I’m disgusted with the evil! Aren’t you? Isn’t it time for humanity to seek a new paradigm? The old one - the one designed by the ‘power brokers’
isn’t working - for the majority of us, that is. For them, it’s
working fine. It’s time to deal with the problem and find
solutions. Humanity is facing dire times. If we don’t wish to be
exterminated - every human must rise to the occasion and 'pay attention'!
There is a plot to replace humans that is being engineered by GRIN -
(genetics, robotics, artificial intelligence, and nano-technology). We are
all being bathed in massive amounts of artificial frequencies that are
intended for mind control, depopulation and replacement with cyborgs and
robots . . . 'ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT' How does a concerned individual get the message out to
mainstream? Well, one can focus on becoming a writer, but - careful now.
The author must not arouse the NSA. So, the next best thing is for the
author to write a novel in ‘faction’ (fiction mode based on ‘fact‘)
and leave clues as to how the reader may obtain more information and
become proactive. This is the endeavor of the “Trial Of The Archons”.
Enjoy the read. Pres. John F. Kennedy (before his assassination) “The duty of a patriot is to protect his country from its government.” Thomas Paine (1737-1809)