At this very moment, we
are still victims of Archon-infected psychopaths and the tyranny of our own ignorance and
complicity. Since the
galactic gate
has been tampered with, (CERN), planet Earth and its inhabitants are in grave
danger. The demonic inter-dimensional aliens haven't any love for
us; no concern for their host planet; and will
in all likelihood, incinerate the entire planet and all of humanity if
they can. They
will use chemical weapons, which will not leave a person or creature
standing. AI technology, geo-engineering, DARPA, remote viewing, virtual reality,
nano-technology, HAARP, genetic
foods, cloning, designer babies, chemical and germ warfare, diseases, cybernetics, vaccines,
the Internet and its newest feature - the 'CLOUD' -
are in full motion. With the acceleration of technology generated by
insane psychopaths. A bleak picture emerges for planet Earth and
the human species.
"Nonsense. This is ridiculous! It's
just 'fake news' - conspiracy hype."
Really? As you
live your everyday life,
psychopaths are plotting against you in secrecy. They
promise 'immortality' (Kurzweil). However, once you give your permission to
be infected with nanobot technology, you may well exist
forever - as a SLAVE ROBOT - and not a human with a 'free will' and
soul. This is what happened to the 'greys'. They are
Prepare yourself for the Singularity, where artificial intelligence
merges with humanity to create super-humans as we learn to grow
regenerative tissue, eradicate diseases with gene hacking techniques
such as CRISPR-Cas9 and take our species beyond planet Earth. Welcome to
the Science renaissance or better stated the 'Lucifer
Agenda'. AI technology will generate breakthroughs in
genomics, nanotechnology, and robotics (GNR) that will destroy our
humanness and transform us into mechanical 'robots'.
The Tech gurus maintain that AI data will only be
activated with a person’s consent. (Similar to Obama's lie about keeping
your own 'doctor). However, their biometric database will
incorporate images of faces, voice samples, retina recognition, and
fingerprints. Here in the U.S., the DHS is planning a biometric facial
recognition database for border checkpoints and the creation of a
Homeland Advanced Recognition Technology (HART) to store 500 million identities
(including many U.S. citizens’) within its system.
HART will no doubt link into the FBI’s 'Next Generation Identification
System' (NGI).
An article written for
the Daily Mail (Meet the Nano-Spiders: The DNA Robots that Could One Day
Be Walking through Your Body) reported on the creation by scientists of
microscopic robots made of DNA molecules that can walk, turn, and even
create tiny products of their own on a nano-scale assembly line.
(NPs), sometimes referred to as ultra fine particles (UFP), are particles
that range between 1 and 100 nanometers in size. According to the
nanoscopic scale, one nanometer equals about a billionth of a meter. Now
that's small. They also range in shapes, sizes and materials, and can
express different properties under different circumstances, making them
key to the development of new technologies.
recent study published in an issue of Environmental Toxicology found that
increased exposure to nanoparticles will potentially lead to elevated risk
of cardiovascular diseases. As the consumption of nano-based products
continues to rise at exponential rates, the research sheds light on the
potential health hazards that new technology will have on our bodies. We
must take these issues seriously and understand the ramifications of
nanotechnology development.
following information was compiled for your attention. True, some of it may have been
written to inflate the power of the psychopaths to make us
fearful and subservient, but we should pay attention. Even if many of
the concepts are only in the 'thought' stage, they smell of danger and

AI brain
chips are set to ‘evolve’ humanity into a ‘community of
zombies’, a prominent neuroscientist has claimed. "Those
implanting AI into their mind risk merging with machines to the
point that humans and androids are indistinguishable from one
another", the expert said.
It was recently revealed
that a tech company backed by billionaire Elon Musk is developing
a ‘brain-computer 'interface’ that could give people super
intelligence and allow them to communicate telepathically. The new computers
would be placed in human brains and interface directly with
human thoughts, which
some call 'neural lace'. The idea was first conceived by science fiction
writer, M. Banks. Musk has
strong opinions about artificial intelligence (AI), suggesting that it
will 'summon the demon' and put humanity at risk turning all of us into 'house pets' of machines.
He believes AI may even be more dangerous than
nuclear weapons. Christians worry such technologies may be exploited by a
coming 'World ruler' to cement his lock
of power and nefarious control
over the population.
Gene editing with CRISPR-Cas9:
The next step in human evolution
will be worth $25 billion in the coming decade. As mankind pushes forward
into a new evolution of the species, various associations and independent
organizations have urged the importance of considering the ethical
challenges of gene editing. Numerous ethical issues have been highlighted
in relation to the germ-line editing process using CRISPR-Cas9. Editing human
embryos may change the germ-line in a way which will affect future
generations, their behavior patterns and characteristics without their
consent. Thus the associated developments need to be handled with due
ethical consideration. Another key challenge is the possibility of
triggering unintended mutations during the treatment process, which can
pose serious concerns for patients. The scientific community has made
tremendous progress in this respect, and it is expected that these
possibilities of unintended mutations will be minimized as far as possible
in the near future.
The Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has announced $65 million in funding to
seven projects around the country – including one led by UC Berkeley –
to improve the safety and accuracy of gene editing. UC Berkeley will work
with UC San Francisco and Sandia National Laboratories in Livermore,
California, to develop better ways to insert gene-editing molecules –
including CRISPR-Cas9 – into living cells; explore applications of
CRISPR proteins other than the popular Cas9, such as RNA-snipping Cas13a;
discover more anti-CRISPR proteins that can be used to keep gene editing
under tight control; and employ these new and improved tools. “If
successful, we will create a revolutionary platform for using and
controlling gene editing for both clinical and biotechnology wide-ranging
applications. One of the
first steps, DARPA reports, will be to create an 'implantable
package'; that is to say, a device that can be put directly into the
brains of those selected for the sensory rewiring. One of the proposed
interfaces will result in the development of up to 100,000 unfettered, sub millimeter-sized
‘neurograin’ sensors implanted onto or into the cerebral cortex. Once
the device is implanted in the brain of the subject, the
military could
use a relay station transceiver worn on the head to wirelessly power and
communicate with the implanted device.
Shoukhrat Mitalipov of
Oregon Health and Science University led an effort that involved
changing the DNA of a large number of one-cell embryos with the gene-
editing technique CRISPR, according to people familiar with the
scientific results. Until now, American scientists have watched with a
combination of awe, envy, and some alarm as scientists elsewhere were
first to explore the controversial practice. To date, three previous
reports of editing human embryos were all published by scientists in
China. Now Mitalipov is believed to have broken new ground both in the
number of embryos experimented upon and by demonstrating that it is
possible to safely and efficiently modify genes in the inevitable journey
toward the birth of the first genetically modified humans.
Scientists have long
been able to make specific changes in the DNA code. Now, they’re taking
the more radical step of starting over, and building redesigned life forms
from scratch. Boeke, a researcher at New York University, directs an
international team of 11 labs on four continents working to 'rewrite' the
yeast genome, following a detailed plan they published in March. Their
work is part of a bold and controversial pursuit aimed at creating
custom-made DNA codes to be inserted into living cells to change how they
function, or even provide a treatment for diseases. It could also someday
help give scientists the profound and unsettling ability to create
entirely new organisms. The genome is the entire genetic code of a living
thing. "Learning how to make one from scratch means you really can
construct something that’s completely new."
It could start with a programming
error, a vulnerable factory password, or a drowsy software engineer who
just needed one more cup of coffee before rolling out an OS update. This
is how a stranger gets inside your brain. Welcome to the nascent, thorny
field of medical implant security. As more and more patients receive
implants (the global market is expected to balloon to more than $54
billion by 2025) to treat medical conditions from diabetes to deafness to
heart failure, the implants them- selves are growing ever more complex.
Already, manufacturers are producing implanted medical devices that can
receive instructions wirelessly, either from a doctor or direct from the
patients themselves. Today, your smart phone controls your stereo.
Tomorrow, it could control your implants.
"Within three decades
people will no longer be having sex to procreate", a professor from
Stanford University has said. Hank Greely, the director of Stanford’s
Law School’s Center for Law and the Biosciences, believes the
reproductive process will begin with parents choosing from a range of
embryos created in a lab with their DNA. Although this can already
take place, Mr. Greely believes it will become far cheaper to do so and
couples will opt for this method. The process involves taking a
female skin sample to create stem cells, which is then used to create
eggs. These eggs are then fertilized with sperm cells, resulting in
a selection of embryos.
doctors in the U.K. are reportedly working on womb transplant procedures
that would allow transgender people born as males, and also other men, to
have babies. Moreover, National Health Service doctors told 'The Mail' that
taxpayers should fund such transplants, citing equality enshrined in law.
Dr. Amel Alghrani of Liverpool University said that such a transplant
procedure is a real possibility, and explained that it could help not only
transgender women have children, but also gay and straight men who wanted
to experience the joys of carrying a child. Alghrani further suggested
that such a move would revolutionize reproduction. For straight men who
opt to have such a transplant, it would allow for couples to jointly share
the reproductive burdens and joys of pregnancy.
A number of Christian
ethicists have responded to a new report exploring the possible benefits
and dangers of humans having sex with robots, including robots designed to
look like children, stating that such sexual activities go against God’s
design and moral ethics. The Foundation for Responsible Robotics recently released it’s
first consultation report, titled 'Our Sexual Future With Robots',
which explores several big questions in the growing field of humans having
intimate relationships with robots, including whether sex with robots
designed to look like children should be against the law. Tobias Winright,
associate professor of Theological Ethics and the Maeder Endowed Associate
Professor of Health Care Ethics in the Gnaegi Center for Health Care
Ethics at Saint Louis University, told The Christian Post in an email
Wednesday that there should be a ban on child sex robots.
Imagine a World where parents can give birth to
'super babies' with bones so strong they’re impervious to a surgical drill
and a heart less prone to failure. A World where a child has DNA from
three parents (or a human-animal mix). A
World where it’s possible for a
woman to have her favorite movie star’s child simply by collecting a few
of his skin cells. Genetic technology is making it all a reality,
horrifying some and heartening others. Reproductive advances are arriving
so rapidly, we’ve already entered the realm of science-fiction and are
on the verge of making truly astounding leaps. "Huxley’s ‘Brave
New World’ imagined a World of totalitarian population control; so we
should take the warning to heart,” the nonprofit Center for Genetics and
Society tweeted.
The following are excerpts
from my publication ' And the Lucifer Agenda':
hybrid/elite have recently added nanobots to the chemtrails, vaccines,
certain prescription drugs, food, and water. To prepare humanity to serve
the ‘Lucifer Agenda‘, they need thousands, perhaps millions of
synthetic nanobots in our biological system as we rapidly approach the
arrival of the Singularity. The psychopaths are making sure we get these
bots in our blood system one way or another. If the area where you live is
being sprayed with chemtrails, you are ‘breathing in’ these nanobots.
There isn‘t any way to avoid it happening. If you see chemtrails in the
sky, take vaccines and certain prescription drugs - particularly pain
medication and psychiatric drugs - it‘s certain that your system is
being invaded with nonobots! For those who haven‘t a clue, nanobots have
many functions. They work as antennas, which means they are both receivers
and transmitters of information when activated. Those in charge of this
project can thus retrieve information from your Endocrine System, but they
can also alter the functions of the Endocrine System as they please. This
will be particularly important as the ‘Singularity’ approaches, and it
won’t be long now. The goal is to have the Singularity in place by 2045
- or sooner."
Wes Penre (author of ‘Synthetic Super Intelligence
& The Transmutation of Humankind: A Roadmap to the Singularity and
Beyond‘) wrote an interesting article addressing this question. The
following info includes excerpts (with some editing license):
“. . . nanobots will
eventually replace the cells in our body. The Singularitists want the
cells in our organs to be replaced with nano-sized artificial intelligence
(AI). For example: if an older person’s organs begin to fail, younger
cells will be retrieved, and the old, failing organ will be replaced by an
entirely new organ. If a person needs a heart transplant, the new heart
will be as young and vital as it was when the person was in his/her
twenties or early thirties. The plan is to replace all our organs this way
and thus give humans ‘synthetic’ eternal life. However there is a ‘catch‘.
The new organs will consist of nanobots. The recipients will become
cyborgs - half human - half machine. The synthetic nanobots in their
system will be the ‘key’ to keeping humans trapped in 3rd dimension
virtual reality ‘forever’ because cyborg bodies don’t die. The
soul/mind/spirit body will be unable to leave his transformed cyborg body,
and will remain imprisoned in the 3rd dimension forever,
controlled by a Super Brain Quantum Computer (as mentioned in Chapter
Two). Humanity will become a hive-mind species, which will be much easier
to control than seven billion spirited, free-thinking soul
"Although the nanobots can’t be removed, there
might be a solution to this problem. Nanobots operate on a quantum level.
To solve this problem, we need to address the situation on a sub-quantum
or soul level. Those in control must abide with the ‘Law of Free Will‘.
As required by Universal Law, they must inform mainstream of their
intentions and we must ‘consent’ to their agenda. They have used covert methods such as the media, movies,
music, etc. to advise us of their ‘intent’ and manipulate us into
submission. Unfortunately, many
humans have done so by remaining passive and indifferent. Those infected
with the Archon virus have embraced the perversion. But for the rest of
us, the elite must have our ‘direct' or 'indirect’ consent to control
us. If they go ahead without our consent, they are breaking the Law of
Free Will, which they are reluctant to do because they will be prone to
judgment from a higher authority if they are caught.”
Robert Stanley ( offered his spin :
“The First Hermetic Principle of Mentalism states ‘everything is
mental‘, therefore subconscious and unconscious ‘consent’ counts
especially if it outweighs our conscious ‘consent/dissent‘. We must
work to align our unconscious and subconscious minds with our conscious
mind. This is achieved by turning our thinking inwards in self-reflection,
shadow work, and emotional process work when triggers arise. Going within
in this manner makes the unconscious ’conscious‘, and allows us to
psychologically ‘differentiate’ from the collective unconscious of
humanity as a conscious individual (individuation). We can state all day
long that we do not consent to their plans, but if our emotions and body,
aka unconscious and subconscious minds still consent, we are in ’big
We have nanobots in our system, but we don’t have to allow them to
be activated - ever. Moreover, we don’t want anything to do with the
Singularity. Therefore, I urge everybody to send out their intention as
soon as possible.
Each person should individually send out a clear
intention into the Universe and state that he/she is a sovereign spiritual
being and doesn’t give their consent for any of the nanobots lodged in
their bodies to be activated. Neither does he/she want to be part of the
Singularity in any way, shape or form. Send this intention out as a clear,
focused, ‘light thought’ and let it expand to include the entire
Universe, so everyone out there can hear it.
TNT Nanotechnology:
(COLUMBUS, Ohio) Researchers at
The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and Ohio State's College
of Engineering have developed a new technology: Tissue Nanotransfection
(TNT). It can generate any cell type of interest for treatment
within the patient’s own body. This technology may be used to repair
injured tissue or restore function of aging tissue, including organs,
blood vessels and nerve cells. Results of the regenerative medicine study
were published in the journal 'Nature Nanotechnology'.
“By using our novel nanochip
technology, injured or compromised organs can be replaced. We have shown
that skin is a fertile land where we can grow the elements of any organ
that is declining,” said Dr. Chandan Sen, director of Ohio State's
Center for Regenerative Medicine & Cell Based Therapies, who co-led
the study with L. James Lee, Professor of chemical and bio-molecular
engineering with Ohio State’s College of Engineering in collaboration
with Ohio State’s Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center.
studied mice and pigs in these experiments. They were able to
reprogram skin cells to become vascular cells in badly injured legs that
lacked blood flow. Within one week, active blood vessels appeared in the
injured leg, and by the second week, the leg was saved. In lab tests, this
technology was also shown to reprogram skin cells in the live body into
nerve cells that were injected into brain-injured mice to help them
recover from stroke.
“This is difficult to imagine,
but it is achievable, successfully working about 98 percent of the time.
With this technology, we can convert skin cells into elements of any organ
with just one touch. This process only takes less than a second and is
non-invasive, and then you're off. The chip does not stay with
you, (not true) and
the reprogramming of the cell starts. Our technology keeps the cells in
the body under immune surveillance, so immune suppression is not
necessary,” said Sen, who also is executive director of Ohio State’s
Comprehensive Wound Center.
TNT technology has
two major components:
- A nanotechnology-based 'chip'
designed to deliver cargo to adult cells in the live body.
- The design of specific biological
cargo for cell conversion. This cargo, when delivered using the
converts an adult cell from one type to another, said author
Daniel Gallego-Perez, Assistant Professor of biomedical engineering
and general surgery who also was a postdoctoral researcher in both Sen’s
and Lee’s laboratories.
(Be aware.
Once inside your body, the nanochips can and will program you into
'subservient robots').
TNT doesn’t require any
laboratory-based procedures and may be implemented at the point of care.
The procedure is also non-invasive. The cargo is delivered by zapping the
device with a small electrical charge that’s barely felt by the patient.
“The concept is very simple,” Lee said. “As a matter of fact,
we were even surprised how it worked so well. In my lab, we have ongoing
research trying to understand the mechanism and do even better. So, this
is the beginning; more to come.”
the very real possibility has appeared on the horizon of the robots of the
future manipulating human skin cells to create human sperm and human eggs,
and from them, using the Ohio discovery of TNT as the basis, creating an
entire human-robot baby whose embryo can be nurtured and carried through
pregnancy by a mother surrogate. By injecting genetic code into skin cells
à la TNT, the Ohio researchers have paved the way for the genetic
code of a robot, containing some of the characteristics of the robot, to
be passed on to its offspring along with human genetic code. This is how I
believe it will be possible, within the foreseeable future, for humans and
robots to make babies together.
'INHUMAN' published by Dr.Tom Horn).
to another scenario, the psychopaths operating within the government, FDA
, CMC, Big Pharma, and other secret cabal organizations, are
playing a major role in the 'conspiracy' to destroy our species. While
they covertly reap the monetary rewards of drug trafficking, causing a
major crisis within our society, they have now legalized the use of
marijuana in many states. HYPOCRITES!! Meanwhile, normal people who were
legally prescribed pain medication are now deprived. They are being
punished for the outrageous covert policies of the psychopaths, whose
intent is to transform a huge segment of the population into zombies
and the 'walking dead'.
an eye-opener . . .
at the Coachella Valley Church begin and end with the Lord’s Prayer. In
between, there is the sacrament. “Breathe deep and blow harder,” intoned
Pastor Grant Atwell after distributing marijuana joints to 20 worshipers
on a recent Sunday. “Nail the insight down, whether you get it from
marijuana or prayer. Consider what in your own life you are thankful for.”
A man wearing a “Jesus Loves You” baseball cap and toting a 'shofar',
piped up. “Thank you, God, for the weed,” he called out. “I’m
thankful for the spirit of cannabis,” a woman echoed from the back. “I
am grateful to be alive,” said another young woman, adding that she
had recently overdosed - on what, she did not say - for the third time.
Nanotech pioneer Robert
Freitas believes that as the technology matures, every adult's appearance
could be restored once a year to a biological age chosen by the
individual. Freitas and futurist Ray Kurzweil discussed this
wonder-science in a recent interview. Freitas has designed 'bots smaller
than red blood cells that can travel through the human body destroying
harmful pathogens and repairing faulty DNA. The tiny machines would be
constructed of carbon atoms, and powered by utilizing glucose or natural
sugars and oxygen from the body. Doctors would not only use
nanorobots to correct problems like heart disease, cancer, or damages
suffered from normal aging processes, but could also direct them to
strengthen and enhance other parts of the body. These computer-guided
creations would restore aging bones, muscles, eyesight, and teeth to a
biologically perfect state. When finished, the 'smart' 'bots would exit
the body through urine.
BELIEVE IT. This is all
blatant B.S. As you read on, you will see how devious the psychopaths are.
They are great liars!
Will the drug giants fill a role in
tomorrow's nano-world? "Yes", Freitas says. "Issues such as
IP rights, quality, design, software, and government regulation should
allow 'Big Pharma' to retain a significant role in nano-machine
manufacture, even in an era of widespread personal nano-factory use."
In addition, drug companies should assume liability for errors, experts say. Patients need a legally
responsible entity they can sue in case of mistakes or defective products.
No one wants 'robots gone wild' roaming through their bodies. Raw
materials and labor for construction would be nearly cost-free; and even
though Big Pharma gets part of the action, nano-robots will still be a
very affordable health tool. Freitas offers an example of a medical nano-robot
he designed that would act as a red blood cell. It consists of carbon
atoms in a diamond pattern to create a spherical pressurized tank with
'molecular sorting rotors', which could grab and store oxygen and carbon
dioxide molecules.
linking GMOs and pesticides to human health ailments continues to emerge, as
a new report put together by the Ministry of Health in Cordoba, Argentina
has found that increased levels of crop spraying in Argentina’s most
extensively farmed areas has resulted in a large increase of cancer
rates for those that live in the vicinity. According to the report, deaths
from cancerous tumors have as much as doubled in areas where genetically
modified (GM) crops are grown and agro-chemicals are used. That’s not
really surprising, given the fact that numerous studies have linked them to
cancer, and other detrimental health ailments. The highest death rate was
recorded in the ‘Pampa Gringa’ area. This is where most GM crops are
grown, and the most pesticides are used. It makes up a large portion of the
Cordoba region. This area and other areas in the region have cancer rates
that are way above the national average.
chicken, beef and fish are given the all clear, some types of meats simply
don’t sit well. From horse to dog, most menus have their limits. But now,
some scientists are predicting that a radical new food trend could be about
to emerge. It’s known as 'synthesized cannibalism' and could soon see the
World biting into juicy, cruelty free burgers crafted from lab-grown
human meat. “In the West, this is a huge taboo,” comments Dr. Bill
Schutt, author of 'Eat Me: A Natural and Unnatural History of
Cannibalism'. While there is a serious 'yuk factor' to consider, some
experts maintain that technically there’s nothing wrong with eating
lab-grown humans. Dr. John Loike, director of special programs at Columbia’s
Center for Bioethics muses, “The yuck factor is an emotional, not
necessarily logical, response.”
intelligence (AI) is the future. But do we want it to be? Millions are being
poured into research to push technology into the realms of the most
outlandish science fiction, but some are concerned about where all this is
leading us. Notable scientists and technology pioneers such as Stephen
Hawking, Elon Musk and Bill Gates have all voiced fears that AI could pose
serious risks to humanity, possibly in ways we can’t even imagine.
The weaponization of AI is one area of technology development from which
much of this fear seems to extend. Musk, Hawking and Wozniak, along with
Norm Chomsky, have all signed another Future of Life Institute open letter
on autonomous weaponry which reads “If any major military power pushes
ahead with AI weapons development, a global arms race is virtually
inevitable, and the endpoint of this technological trajectory is obvious:
autonomous weapons will become the Kalashnikovs of tomorrow.”
comment: The U. S., Russia, and China are in competition as to who
will create the most advanced 'killer robots' and war technology.
Are you ready for a world
where technology and man are one? Science and technology have brought us to
the point of ‘cyber-physical systems’ which will soon exist, and this
new reality is rapidly unfolding. We may be decades away from being totally
wiped out by a sentient AI system like Skynet, but some experts think that
‘The Reckoning’ is closer than we think. According to The Daily Mail,
the European Parliament is taking the rise of the machines pretty seriously.
In a 17-2 vote, it decided to begin developing a set of
regulations aimed at controlling the rise of artificial intelligence.
Perhaps the most striking aspect of these guidelines is the planned
implementation of ‘electronic personhood‘, which would ensure a set of
rights for the most advanced kinds of AI. Think about it. If robots
eventually become as lifelike as the machines in the Western world, a set of
basic rights would be essential in preventing the kind of deranged robot
abuse depicted in the first season of HBO’s hit show. In fact, if robots
do ever become that advanced, the social and cultural implications will be
have found an imbalance in the brain chemistry of young people addicted to
smart phones and the Internet, according to a study presented today at the
annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA).
According to a recent Pew Research Center study, 46 percent of Americans say
they could not live without their smart phones. While this sentiment is
clearly hyperbole, more and more people are becoming increasingly dependent
on smart phones and other portable electronic devices for news, information,
games, and even the occasional phone call. Along with a growing concern that
young people, in particular, may be spending too much time staring into
their phones instead of interacting with others, trigger questions as to the
immediate effects on the brain and the possible long-term consequences of
such habits.
For some
die-hard techs, using neural interfaces to merge with AI is the inevitable
next step in humankind’s evolution. But a group of 27 neuroscientists,
ethicists, and machine learning experts have highlighted the myriad ethical
pitfalls that could be waiting. The authors say we are headed towards a
future where we can decode and manipulate people’s mental processes,
communicate telepathically, and technologically augment human mental and
physical capabilities. “Such advances could revolutionize the treatment
of many conditions and transform human experience for the better,” they
write. But the technology could also exacerbate social inequalities and
offer corporations, hackers, governments, or anyone else new ways to exploit
and manipulate people. And it could profoundly alter some core human
characteristics: private mental life, individual agency, and an
understanding of individuals as entities bound by their bodies.
about today’s modest incremental advances in artificial intelligence, such
as the increasing abilities of cars to drive themselves. Waiting in the
wings might be a groundbreaking development: a machine that is aware of
itself and its surroundings, and that could take in and process massive
amounts of data in real time. Conscious machines would also raise troubling
legal and ethical problems. Would a conscious machine be a 'person' under
law and be liable if its actions hurt someone, or if something goes wrong?
To think of a more frightening scenario, might these machines rebel against
humans and wish to eliminate us altogether? If yes, they represent the
culmination of evolution.
"Once we
eventually figure out how to connect our brains to computers, most thinking
will happen in our synthetic computer brains", futurist Ray Kurzweil
stated. In a post for Singularity University’s YouTube channel, Kurzweil,
a futurist for Google by day, said that he expects humans will be able to
back up their brains to the 'Cloud'. He has predicted that the Singularity,
moment when technology enters a cycle of runaway advancement beyond human
control), will occur by 2045. This new era will change the human brain.
Instead of being stuck with a limited number of biological brain functions,
the singularity will allow us to directly experience the benefits of the law
of accelerating returns. Eventually, all our thoughts will happen in the
computers merged to our brains. (WELCOME TO THE BORG)!
Computers have without a
doubt revolutionized modern society. They’re everywhere: our offices and
homes, our pockets; even in our kitchen appliances. As for the next place
computer technology could be headed, you already have the basic component - your DNA. It sounds strange, but researchers at the University of Manchester
are working on turning strands of DNA into the next basis for computing.
Scientists have actually created a DNA-based computing device that grows
as it computes. While our current computers have a finite capacity for
computations, DNA computers could be designed to self-replicate, making them
able to create more and more and more.
DARPA, the technical-research arm of the Pentagon, is
leading the way in a mission to program the human brain. What could go
wrong? In a word, everything. Here is a DARPA release (5/27/14) on the
upcoming ‘brain-mapping’ plan, in accordance with Obama’s initiative
aimed at preventing violence through improved mental health
otherwise known as 'Clockwork Orange' . . ."developing closed-loop
therapies that incorporate recording and analysis of brain activity with
near-real-time neural stimulation.” Translation: Reading myriad brain
activities as they occur, and influencing that activity with various
inputs/interferences - drugs, electrical currents, nano-entities, etc.
Here’s another DARPA quote. This one lays out the foundation for their
“…The program also aims to take advantage of neural plasticity, a
feature of the brain by which the organ’s anatomy and physiology can
alter over time to support normal brain function. Plasticity runs counter
to previously held ideas that the adult brain is a ‘finished’ entity
that can be statically mapped. Because of plasticity, researchers are
optimistic that the brain can be trained or treated to restore normal
functionality following injury or the onset of neuropsychological illness."
Neural plasticity - The idea that brain activity is always changing and,
therefore, can be externally molded by operators to fit a conception of
‘normalcy‘ (whatever that is) or in essence - whatever ‘authorities’ decide it is.
Chilling? Of course. In
the long run, this has nothing to do with ‘recovery from brain injuries‘.
That’s the cover story. The real goal is programming the brain to fit
certain parameters of functioning. Those parameters will
certainly exclude: rebellion, independence, free thinking, etc.
Here is a quote from a journal article, 'The Plastic Human Brain
Cortex' (Annual Review of Neuroscience, Vol. 28: 377-401, July 2005)
“Plasticity is an intrinsic property of the human brain. The
challenge we face is to learn enough about the mechanisms of plasticity to
modulate them to achieve the best behavioral outcome for a given subject.”
Modulate them? Achieve the best behavioral outcome? Who
defines that? Obviously, not the individual. Notice the point of view:
intervention as a 'given'. The brain will not be allowed to function on its
own. Behind all brain research lies this premise. It’s no surprise that,
in this technological age, the preferred method of mind control would
involve an invasion by the 'experts'.
There are many, many brain-research professionals, and millions of lay
people, who believe that intervention is justified because it corrects
a chemical imbalance in the brain. This is a myth. Dr. Ronald Pies, the
editor-in-chief emeritus of the Psychiatric Times, laid the myth to rest
in the 'July 11, 2011' issue of the Times with this staggering and stark
“In truth, the ‘chemical imbalance’ notion
(of mental disorders)
was always a kind of urban legend - never a theory seriously propounded
by well-informed psychiatrists.”
Intervention is all about brain control - not brain health. And neural
plasticity, contrary to the official propaganda, is no great discovery.
Any human can change his own brain readout patterns with the simple act of
'thinking'. But the brain-controllers want to control the sequence.
They want to decide how B, D, E, A, B, F should perform and then
perhaps delete C altogether because they find it counter-productive and disruptive.
The fact is, the individual non-material being (you) changes brain
activity all the time. The brain is eminently built to allow this to
happen across a very wide range of possibility. What DARPA’s program
entails is altering that fundamental relationship between you and your
brain. That’s the bottom line. The alteration will throw up roadblocks.
It will shrink the sum of what your brain can do. The ongoing DARPA
brain-programming mission isn’t merely a two-year program or a five-year
program. It’s permanent. It’s the gateway to a controlled society. And
it’s perfectly understandable that this project would come from DARPA,
which is an arm of the Pentagon, which is the foremost proponent of 'military
thought' in the World. The military is interested in, and devoted to,
the issuing of commands and obedience to those commands. Stimulus
response. The military's vision of society is to define the functions of each
citizen and then coordinate those functions to produce overall harmony through
obedience. Since this is the true definition of insanity, and since it
is impossible to secure, over the long-term, they need human cooperation
to build such a civilization with the brain as target. Train the
brain - train the collective.
Here's a laugh.
DARPA wants to bioengineer plants so
that the military can turn foliage into spies. They call it the 'Advanced Plant Technologies' (APT) program. The end goal
is organic
'discreet, self-sustaining sensors' that can monitor and remotely report
threats based on 'environmental stimuli'. The agency claims it sees flora as
the next generation of intelligence gatherers though at the moment DARPA
only envisions their secret-agent plants being used to detect
electromagnetic waves, pathogens, radiation, chemicals, and nuclear threats.
DARPA also believes the technology could be used by civilians, providing the
example of communities that want to use plants to detect landmines. (Who's
smoking the weed)?
'The Internet of All Things'
The revolution in household
appliance integration with the Internet is a nightmare of privacy
violation and data harvesting. The past decade has seen a revolution in
micro processing, Internet connectivity, and widespread adoption of new
technologies. Human beings are connected to vast sources of data and
discourse through an increasing number of outlets. Phones and tablets, the
first frontier of smart, social technology beyond traditional computers,
have highlighted questions of privacy in media, discussion, and politics.
As the micro-processor revolution rages on, more and more household
objects will begin to collect data, communicate with the Internet, and
force us to evaluate our positions on the fine line between privacy and
automation of factories has already decimated jobs in traditional
manufacturing and the rise of artificial intelligence is likely to extend
this job destruction deep into the middle classes, with only the most
caring, creative or supervisory roles remaining.” ~ Stephen