September 6, 2012
Dear Reader ~
Any one who is
familiar with my articles has seen this comment in print
more than once,
aren't any coincidences."
As recently as
today, September 6, 2012, I was drawn to visit a website I had never
before viewed and I was
absolutely amazed to read the comments and critique of a man I have just
recently become acquainted with on YouTube. His name is David
Icke, a British writer, mystic, and a very dynamic speaker. His most
recent book:
Human Race Get Off Your Knees: The Lion Sleeps No More',

is a compelling read about many subjects that I have been
writing about for several years on my own website and in my latest
publication ~
This Bird
Doesn't Sing Anymore

Until now, I have yet to
meet another author who has mirrored so many of my thoughts and feelings concerning the
blatant imposter, Barack Obama, and his entourage of evil
partners. It upsets me to realize that so many people have been
fooled by his lies and manipulation.
timing of discovering David's website is a phenomenon, as you will
see. It's quite uncanny. I urge you to read what he has to say.
Surely the truth cannot be ignored. I hope it will help you make a
sound decision about NOT reelecting Obama for another four years as your
False President - the Empty Suit!
Barack Obama: The Naked Emperor
By David Icke
"I am writing this in the last days of 2008 as I watch with
dismay as vast numbers of people across the world, including many who
should know better, have been duped by the mind-game called Operation
Obama. Even people with some understanding of the conspiracy
have said things like: 'Well, at least he's not Bush' and 'Well, at least
it's great to see such a new spirit of hope'. No, he's not Bush - he's
potentially far more dangerous; and what is the use of a spirit of
'hope' if it's based on a lie? In fact, what use is 'hope' at all?
Obama's wife, Michelle, who I wouldn't trust to tell me
the date in a calendar factory, said that 'everything begins and ends with
'hope'. Utter nonsense. Hope is a meaningless emotion because its
fruits are always in the future and, by definition, never in the NOW. Hope
is like riding a carousel horse; no matter how fast you go . . . you never
get closer to the one in front. The idea, however, is to persuade you to
stay on the horse, despite the evitable disappointment, in the 'hope' that
things will change. But they don't because the very system is designed
to prevent it.
Obama's predominant mantra has been 'change'. Indeed, his
massively-funded, record-breaking campaign was based on that one word - change.
This is a technique used by Bill Clinton and many others and it is highly
effective because, at any point, the system ensures that most people are
not happy with the way life is. So, when you don't like the status quo,
'change' can be a potent message, even if, like Obama, you don't say what
it means.
It has been vital to his success, and that of his controllers, that
he has never specified what his 'hope', 'change', and that other
mind-control trigger-word, 'believe', were referring to in terms of policy
and the way society in general will be affected. Hope for what? Change
what? Believe in what? To answer those questions with specifics would have
been fatal to Obama's appeal.
I studied the military/government mind-control programs and
techniques in great detail for many years during the late 1990s and across
2000, and the Obama 'phenomenon' is the most blatant mass-mind control
operation you could wish to see. At its core the plan has been
to make Obama the focus of everything you hope for, believe in and want to
change. This is why it has been crucial for him not to specify and detail
what is meant by his 'hope, 'change' and 'believe'.

However, I can tell you what those words mean in the context of the
Obama mind-game. They mean whatever you decide they mean or want them to
mean. The idea is for you to project all that you stand for onto him and
so he becomes the symbol of you and how you see the world.
Specifics would destroy that 'I am whatever you want me to be' scenario
and so you don't get any detail, just 'hope', 'change', and 'believe'.
They don't want him to be seen only as 'the Messiah'; they also want
him to be Abraham Lincoln, JFK, or Buddha - anyone you choose to project
on him, for he is a blank page, blank screen and empty suit. Obama
is a make-your-own, do-it-yourself leader, a projection of your own mind.
(If you are still asleep, that is). If you are in any way awake, he's an
open book.
'I am whatever you want me to be, for I am just a
projection of you. And I got a big smile, see.'
There is no more powerful way of manipulating people than to tell
them what they want to hear and to keep shut about anything they wouldn't
like. Double-glazing salesmen are trained to pick up in general
conversation what their target likes and dislikes and to respond
accordingly in the way the product is sold. The technique is simply to
tell the potential buyer what you have gleaned they want to be told. Obama
comes from the same stable, but on a massively bigger scale and with a
whole network of advisors and controllers, steeped in the art of
manipulating minds, opinions and actions.
Obama's written-for-him speeches are not from the heart, but
from the autocue. The 'heart' bit comes from extensive training and his
Bill Clintonesque ability to 'mean it when he says it', a state of
delivery that goes beyond mere acting. Tony Blair was trained in the same
way. But if you take a step back and look at these people dispassionately
you can clearly see the techniques they consciously employ. Blair is the
most blatant fraud in the way he delivers a line, stops in mid-sentence
for emphasis, and looks down for fake emotional effect. Obama is a little
more slick, but from where I have been looking this past year, not much.
And how have people not seen those cold eyes just above the painted smile?
You can watch his mind working, turning between autocue screens to
his left and right, then straight down the camera for his key messages. 'From-the-heart'
orators don't do that; they are too immersed in what they are feeling
and saying to give even a passing thought to where they are looking or how
the line is delivered.
I worked in television for more than a decade, often reading autocue
while a director spoke in my ear telling me what cameras to look at. I
have, since the early 1990s, spoken my truth on public stages across the
world. I know, therefore, the difference between artificial autocue
delivery and body language and talking from the heart without a script.
Obama, I repeat, is coming from the autocue, not the heart. Obama's
speeches are a mass of mind-control techniques and Neuro-Linguistic-Programming,
or NLP, and they are carefully constructed to implant beliefs and
perceptions into the mind of the viewer.

As I keep emphasizing, the whole Obama circus is an exercise in mass
mind control and it has been so successful because so many people live
their lives in a permanent state of trance. All of which brings me to the
parallels with Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and similar regimes throughout
history. Obama may not look like Hitler, nor sound like Hitler, but the
themes are just the same. Germany was in a terrible state economically and
militarily in the 1930s in the aftermath of the First World War and the
reparations inflicted on the country by the Rothschild/Illuminati-
controlled Versailles 'Peace' Conference in 1919. From amid the chaos came
the man that Germans saw then in much the same way that so many see Obama
today. His name was Adolph Hitler and his oratory and rhetoric,
again supported by a ritualistic presentation founded on mind-control
techniques, made him appear to be the German 'messiah', the German
Hitler promised 'change', 'hope' and something to 'believe in'
amidst the consequences of war and financial collapse. He spoke to vast rallies of
adoring followers and a mass movement emerged in support of Hitler's
vision of a new tomorrow. As the writer Webster Tarpley points out, fascism
in its true sense is not just a 'Police State' imposed by a tiny
hierarchy. It might end up like that, but first it is brought to power by
a mass movement from within the people who have no understanding of what
the 'change', hope' and 'believe' they are being offered really means.
They just know that they want some because, as with Obama, they make it
mean what they want it to mean. Only later do they see, to their horror,
what they have signed up for. Obama is far more dangerous than Bush
because he can sell a line to those who are in the trance while 'Boy Bush'
could not do that on anything on the same scale. Bush was a transparent
idiot without any communication skills who needed massive
fraud at the polls to get him officially 'elected'. He could never be the
figurehead to inspire a mass movement of the people to support some
vacuous 'hope', 'change' and 'believe' when they don't even know what
those words are supposed to mean. But Obama clearly can, because he
One of 'his' and his controllers' prime targets are the young,
just as they were with the Nazis and the Hitler Youth Movement. If
you think this parallel is far-fetched, read the following article.
In line with this theme, the WorldNet Daily website reported:
'The official website of President-Elect Barack Obama,,
originally announced that Obama would 'require' all middle school through
college students to participate in community service programs; but after a
flurry of blogs protested children being drafted into Obama's proposed
youth corps, the website's wording was softened. Originally, under the tab
'America Serves Change', the gov read, "President-Elect Obama will
expand national service programs like Amer-Corps and Peace Corps and will
create a new Classroom Corps to help teachers in under served schools, as
well as a new Health Corps, Clean Energy Corps, and Veterans Corps.
Pay attention . . .
'Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by
developing a plan to require 50 hours of community service in
middle school and high school and 100 hours of community service in
college every year', the site announced.
Apart from the unspecified 'hope, 'change' and 'believe', few have
any idea what Obama's policies will be. Public perception comes from
having an 'image' of him, or a self-projection, not the fine print because
Obama doesn't do fine print until the votes are cast and even then he
will hide it in his windbag words.
There is an 'image' that Obama is against war, but no he's not. He
says he's against the invasion of Iraq, though we'll see what he does
about that in office. How can a man calling for more troops, including
European troops, to be sent to Afghanistan be against war? He has also
said he is prepared to bomb Pakistan and use military force to stop Iran
building nuclear weapons and he has appointed Hillary 'Let's bomb 'em'
Clinton (Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign
Relations) as Secretary of State and re-appointed Bush's 'Let's bomb 'em'
Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates (Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign
Relations). So that's the 'change we can believe in', then.
Obama isn't against war at all and, if his controllers have their
way, he will engage the US in even more foreign conflicts with the troops
sent to their deaths, and the deaths of their targets, on a wave of
oratory from the dark suit with the black face who would never go where
he's sending them.
You only have to look at the cabal behind Obama, and those he has
already appointed to his administration team, to see what his 'change' is
truly planned to be. His mentor, svengali and main controller is Zbigniew
Brzezinski, Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor, and the
co-founder, with David Rockefeller, of the Illuminati's
Trilateral Commission.

Brzezinski has admitted publicly that he began to fund and train
what he would call today 'terrorists' in Afghanistan to oppose the
Soviet-controlled government in the capital, Kabul, in the late 1970s. The
idea, he said, was to entice the Soviet Union to invade Afghanistan to
protect the Kabul regime and thus give the rival superpower 'their
Vietnam'. The plan worked at the cost of a million Afghan lives during the
Soviet occupation from 1979 to 1989, a consequence that troubles
Brzezinski not at all. Brzezinski's 'freedom fighters' would become
known as the 'Mujahideen' and later the Taliban and what is claimed to be
This is the man behind 'anti-war', Barack Obama. It was common
knowledge that President Carter would do nothing involving foreign policy
without the okay from Brzezinski, the co-founder of the Trilateral
Commission which chose Carter for president. It is one of many great
ironies of the Obama presidency that he is demanding massive troop
reinforcements to be sent to Afghanistan to fight the Taliban terrorists
who were initially armed, trained and organised by Brzezinski, the man
behind Obama. As Morpheus says in The Matrix: 'Fate, it seems, is not
without its sense of irony'.
But then, in Brzezinski's case, it is not 'fate', but cold
calculation that has brought it all about. The Poland-born Brzezinski has
a fierce hatred of Russia and that is still one of his key targets,
together with China. And if they are Brzezinski's targets, they are
Obama's targets.
As an Illuminati operative,
Brzezinski's aim is to create a world government, central bank, currency
and army - a global dictatorship - underpinned by a micro chipped
population connected to a global computer/satellite system. He wrote a
book in 1970, Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era, in
which he described the global society that he and the Illuminati seek to
'The technetronic era involves
the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would
be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will
be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen
and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal
information about the citizen. These files will be subject to
instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.'
He also said in the same book nearly 40 years ago:
'Today we are again witnessing the emergence of transnational elites
... [Whose] ties cut across national boundaries ... It is likely that
before long the social elites of most of the more advanced countries will
be highly internationalist or globalist in spirit and outlook ... The
nation-state is gradually yielding its sovereignty ... Further progress
will require greater American sacrifices. More intensive efforts to shape
a new world monetary structure will have to be undertaken, with some
consequent risk to the present relatively favorable American position.'
And what does his puppet, Obama, now say that Americans have to do
to bring about 'change'? 'Make sacrifices'. As Mrs. Demagogue, Michelle,
"We need a different leadership because our souls are broken. We need
to be inspired ... to make the sacrifices that are needed to push us to a
different place."
You can bet that this will include sacrificing more sovereignty and
freedom on the road to the global dictatorship described by Brzezinski for
decades. Brzezinski's son, Mark, was an 'advisor' to the Obama campaign
(doing what his father told him) and, in line with the American
one-party-state, his other son, Ian, was foreign policy advisor
to the McCain campaign (doing what his father told him). His
daughter, the Obama-supporting Mika Brzezinski, reported the
campaign for MSNBC television.
Obama has been the chosen
one for a long time, a fact known only to a few in the deep inner circle,
and his relationship with Brzezinski almost certainly goes back to the
start of the 1980s when he attended the Ivy League, and big-time
Illuminati, Columbia University where Brzezinski was head of the Institute
for Communist Affairs. Obama simply will not talk in any detail about this
period. He has been covertly funded and supported ever since by the
Trilateral Commission and its network of foundations connecting into the Ford
Foundation, for whom Obama's
mother worked.
And a question: Does anyone really believe that someone, a 'man of
the people', could simply appear from apparently nowhere to run the
slickest and best-
funded presidential campaign in American history? He was chosen long ago
by those who wish to enslave the very people that Obama says he wants to
'set free'.
The sources of Obama funding read like a Wall Street 'Who's Who' -
Goldman Sachs, UBS, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, J.P. Morgan
Chase, Morgan Stanley, and so on. No wonder he went back on his pledge to
accept the limitations of public funding for his campaign and instead took
the no-limit option of 'private' funding. And those people are going
to support a candidate who does not represent their best interests?? Oh
Obama and his seasoned network of professional manipulators, sorry
his 'campaign team', sold the lie that he had refused to take funding from
'lobbyists', those who are paid to ensure that politicians frame
legislation, or block it, in the interests of their clients.
But like everything that surrounds Obama, past and present, it's a
sleight of hand and mouth. They funneled vast sums of money into the Obama
accounts through law firms that represent lobbyists and lobby groups. It
provided 'plausible denial' about funding from lobbyists while the money
poured in from lobby interests via third parties.
Then there is the Jewish financier, George Soros, the
multi-billionaire associate of Brzezinski and closely involved with the
funding and marketing of Obama. Soros is a former board member of the
Illuminati's Council on Foreign Relations and funds the European
Council on Foreign Relations. In short, he is a major insider.

You can certainly see the Soros/Brzezinski techniques in the Obama
'revolution' in the United States. It was the complex and secretive
network of Soros foundations and organizations, connected to the
intelligence agencies of the US and Israel, that trained and funded
students in the Ukraine, Georgia and elsewhere in the art of mass protest
and overthrowing governments.
These manufactured protests were sold to the world as 'peoples'
revolutions', but it just so happened that when they were over and the old
regime was removed the new leaders were those waiting in the wings all
along - the puppets of Soros, Brzezinski and their associated networks.
Bush was surrounded by slavish pursuers of Israeli interests and so
is Obama. Mr. 'Change' has pledged his unquestioning support for Israel to
the point of 'pass the sick bag' and his vice-president, Joe Biden (Bilderberg
Group, Council on Foreign Relations), is a vehement Zionist who makes a
virtue of saying he will support Israel in all circumstances.
(I could
have thrown up watching Biden at the DRC in Charlotte this year-
2012. His dramatic presentation to appear so very sincere and humble
was sickening and pathetic! )
Obama has appointed the arch Zionist Rahm Emanuel as his
chief of staff and another super Zionist Jew, Dennis Ross, to be his
Middle East Policy advisor. God help the Palestinians. Ross also served in
the Bill Clinton and Father George Bush administrations. Oh, plenty of
'change' there, then.

Rahm Emanuel, a Chicago-born Congressman, is the son of Benjamin M.
Emanuel, who was a member of the murderous Jewish terrorist organization,
Irgun, which helped to bomb and terrorize Israel into existence. The Open
Secrets website reports that Emanuel was the top House recipient in
2008 for election contributions from 'hedge funds, private equity firms
and the larger securities/investment industry'.
Emanuel was also appointed by Bill Clinton to the board of
the mortgage giant Freddie Mac in 2000 and his tenure coincided with a
stream of scandals and financial irregularities. It famously had to be
bailed out by the taxpayer amid the sub-prime mortgage debacle.
Emanuel, like Obama himself, is an asset of the 'Illinois Combine',
a cross-party network of politicians and business interests that conspires
to manipulate Chicago politics for their own benefit. Even before taking
over at the White House, Emanuel faced calls for his resignation for
alleged connections with the Rod Blagojevich scandal.
Obama is a monumental fraud who talks a good story, but lives a very
different one. He won his first political office as a state senator in
Chicago in 1996, not through the power of his policies, but by coldly
abusing the electoral process.
Instead of running against his opponents and letting the people
decide, he had his cronies challenge hundreds of names on the
nomination papers of his Democratic primary rivals until they were all
forced off the ballot by technicalities. He then ran unopposed. One of
them, Gha-is Askia, says that Obama's behavior belied his image as a
champion of the little guy and crusader for voter rights:
'Why say you're for a new tomorrow, then do old-style Chicago
politics to remove legitimate candidates? He talks about honor and
democracy, but what honor is there in getting rid of every other candidate
so you can run scot-free? Why not let the people decide?'
Why? Because he would probably have lost and Obama isn't interested
in losing by playing fair. He wants to win by any means necessary. The
only voter-right he's interested in is the right to vote for him. He has
also used his hatchet-men like Axelrod to employ scandal to
discredit opponents to ensure his election when the real scandal is the
truth about Obama himself. David Axelrod is Obama's 'narrator' and
He is a classically corrupt main-chancer spawned from the Chicago
political cesspit. His close connections, therefore, to
seriously dodgy 'businessmen' and fraudsters like the now-jailed slum
landlord Tony Rezko are exactly what you would expect."
WOW! If you have read this entire article, you are probably in
shock with much of the information. I was too. What it did
was to reinforce my own observations about Obama, although I wasn't
nearly as articulate and knowledgeable about the hidden agendas the
Fascist fraud and his cronies were up to. Icke researched and
reported so many more hidden plans and details of the One World
Government - the Fascist, Illumminati Cabal - and what they are doing to destroy
I hope that you are receptive to my intent to warn you and others
about what is going on behind the scenes . . . even though it is
still just the tip of the iceberg! We'll never know all the dark
secrets of this evil.
And before ending
this page, I wish to comment that there were other similarities
between myself and David Icke that surprised me. He used the cliché, 'The Empty Suit'
when referring to
Obama. I used these same descriptive words in my article 'Mystery Man'
written and listed on this website under the 'The Roar of the Lion'
series. And we both referenced the
'lion' in our writings to express humanity. In my case, I
used 'the roar of the lion' to express my thoughts. Be that it
may, this article is probably my last contribution before election
time. If you don't understand the dynamics by now and wish to
stubbornly hang on to your idealistic fantasies about charlatan
Obama, I cannot do any more to persuade you to face the truth.
It's your choice.

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