Dear Mr. President: I heard you say you will not guarantee Social Security checks if the debt ceiling isn't raised. Why is it the scare always has to do with Social Security, Medicare, and our Soldiers pay? Why not stop your pay, your staff, or Congress and the Senate to save more money for our country? Why use seniors, soldiers, & our needy as examples? Take the money from those who take no risks and reap the benefits!! Instead of threatening to withhold Social Security, VA, and disability payments of people who really need the money . . . lets hold the paychecks of all House & Senate members, their staffs and their expense checks. Then see how fast they resolve the debt ceiling crisis! Peter Ciullo
Like most of us, you shook your head in
Saman Mohammadi Infowars.com August 2, 2011 “A sovereign nation can always find the money to pay debts owed in its own currency. The U.S. could, if it wished, pay its bills using debt-free U.S. Notes or Greenbacks, just as President Lincoln did to avoid a crippling debt during the Civil War. Alternatively, it could eliminate the deficit with Ron Paul’s plan, which amounts to the same thing.” ~ Ellen Brown, “Forget Compromise: The Debt Ceiling Is Unconstitutional." ~ "Behind all the flim/flammery of this manufactured ‘crisis‘, we are watching the creation of a new form of government - or rather - the further mutation of the new form of government that the United States has been crawling toward for a long time. We called it a ‘neo-feudal oligarchy backed by a militarist police state’. No doubt there are many other ways you could describe this murderous, ravenous, lopsided monstrosity of a system. But the one thing you cannot call it is a ‘republic‘." ~ Chris Floyd ~
"Well, we are reportedly 48 hours out from a total default on the debt to the foreign governments and private Federal Reserve that have taken over this country through economic fraud, and have engaged in a conquest that the British Empire couldn’t succeed in, that Hitler couldn’t succeed in, or that the Soviets couldn’t succeed at. They have conquered us through fraud by stealth. But the moment you become aware of the private banking cartel’s global government that they’re publicly admitting now and are setting up so that you’ll pay your VAT taxes, your carbon taxes, and the rest of it – the minute you’re aware of it . . . then their power begins to wane. That’s why the banksters are setting up a Homeland
Security control grid in every country they’re in under
international agreements and rules to crackdown and go after anybody
that criticizes the private central banks running those nations. When
you get the internal training manuals from England to Australia, from
Germany to Canada, to the United States . . . it is the same thing. The
public is told, “Give your rights up because Al-Qaeda is hiding
underneath every table. But when you get the actual manuals,
it's people that don’t want to give up their sovereignty to the global
government.” ~ Alex Jones - The Debt Crisis: Banksters, Thugs
and Crooks ~ "They are slaves who dare not be in the right with two or three.” The long transformation of America from a relatively free society into a full-fledged, technocratic police state is now complete. President Barack Obama and political leaders from both major parties are getting ready to completely turn over America’s sovereignty to the traitorous private banking cartel and multinational corporations. The gang of liars and crooks behind the private Federal Reserve Bank seized America’s sovereignty on December 23, 1913, when the illegal and unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act was signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson. The Act ensured the protection of a criminal monopoly of America’s credit in the hands of a few powerful banking families who have no loyalty to any nation, people, or system of law. They only have loyalty to their own power and their own bottom line.
Generations of anti-freedom and anti-American turncoats in Washington have gone along with this treasonous, century-long plan by elite private banking families and multinational corporations to covertly establish an unlawful global economic, governmental and political infrastructure to phase out the nation-state system and consolidate world power into a tiny global oligarchy. The plan to destroy the American economy and establish a dictatorial global government was accepted by the political and technocratic elite in Washington a while ago. President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner are simply going through the motions in the historic farce that is being presented to the American public and the world as a political debate about a debt crisis. The truth is that most of America’s debt is fictitious debt. It is odious debt. The traitors who control the Democratic and Republican parties, the Federal Reserve, and the Department of the Treasury will never tell the American people the truth because the truth is the greatest threat to their existence and treasonous schemes. If the American people knew the truth about the Federal Reserve, they would hang their political leaders, from George H. W. Bush to Bill Clinton, to George W. Bush and finally to Barack Obama. As Henry Ford said, “It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” The last real American president was John F. Kennedy. The Presidents who came after him made peace with the fact that America is owned and operated by an international financial oligarchy that views the American people as slaves. Most politicians who climb the ladder of blood and lies in Washington believe the elitist's arguments that the American people are not fit for self-government and deserve to be ruled by a small power elite. But the exact opposite is true. Society has more to fear from an arrogant and psychopathic elite than an undisciplined mob. The dangers of a dictatorial, collectivized and privately controlled world government to humanity are beyond words. And the fact that so many people refuse to see the writing on the wall and point out the construction of this monster from hell is a big sign that we’re heading for disaster. Millions of innocent people die, get beaten, and tortured whenever political and economic power is centralized, and controlled by a ruthless, unaccountable elite. If we do not resist the treasonous private banks and criminal corporations with our words and our lives, generations of men and women will live through a global catastrophe caused by these savage tyrants. It is a tragedy that the Russian people know well because of their experience of living under a godless, and centralized system. America is the one nation that has been in the grips of the traitorous forces who are bringing this global government beast into the world through acts of deception, treason and fraud. America is also the one nation that can change the fate of the world by bringing down this beast before it sets the whole world on fire and reclaims it as its own after the rubble has settled. But first . . . America must rediscovers its destiny as a revolutionary nation that put the freedom of the individual and the rule of law above the whim of tyrants. In 1976, two hundred years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence, American philosopher William Irwin Thompson wrote in his book, 'Evil and World Order', that modern America has lost touch with its founders’ vision for the country and the ideals of America when it was created, saying, “As the Church lost the vision of its founder, so has the country
lost the vision of its founding fathers, but now that industrial society
is strangling in its own contradictions, we have one last chance to
re-vision human society. The restoration of the rule of law and the survival of freedom rests in the hands of the American people, but the enemy of both is an undemocratic oligarchy that is destroying America’s constitutional institutions and national sovereignty from within Washington . . . not jihadist terrorists. Saman Mohammadi’s article first appeared on his blog - The Excavator