If you have hesitated to do your web page because you believe it must be expensive - contact us. Our rates are affordable and we will work with you to create a web page that will have a unique "persona". In an endeavor to acquaint you with our design ability "click" on the links to see various sample web page themes.
Please note: Many
of these sample pages have 'blocked java' that was imposed without
my consent. This problem occurred when 'Window 8 Explorer' was
installed to update. I have not resolved this problem as yet.
I have decided not to change any of the 'java' until I have exhausted my
options. If anyone with a knowledge of java is viewing this page
(and other pages throughout the site, please contact me - astdome@aol.com
- Thank you.) |
Web Design should be a very personalized endeavor. It should project an image that makes a statement about you and your product. Many sites go unnoticed because they are mediocre. They fail to spark others because the homepage design does not leave the viewer with a lasting message or image. Standing out and being noticed should be your main objective. Let's face it. Business is very competitive. How many Pizza Parlors can you think of in your neighborhood? Why do you frequent a certain establishment in lieu of others? Most likely, it is because it offers quality, easy access, affordability, good atmosphere, etc. So too, it is with web design. There are thousands of designers available at any given time. How many measure up to your expectations? Understandably, you will narrow your choice with most of the above considerations. If you are thinking of going Internet, why not give us a call.
Call or send e-mail: (631) 549-8841 Terms of Contract