Dear Reader:
In an endeavor to share the truth, I am presenting this article in conjunct with other information I presented on Knowledge is Power, which I wrote several months ago. Like you, I wanted closure. In this article, I can finally present to you the information that Obama vigorously resisted being publicized - (Obama spent $1million in legal fees trying to keep this startling information from being disclosed). 'Kudos' to Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. , licensed Private Investigator, Susan Elizabeth Daniels and World Net Daily for their unrelenting commitment to bring the truth to the American People and the world.
But first, I wish to bring your attention to an erroneous concept about Obama. Pages 106 -107 of Apollyon Rising 2012 reads:
Many have pointed out how reporters, politicians, celebrities, and even preachers celebrated the spiritual nature of Obama’s meteoric rise from near obscurity to U.S. president, and how this may have reflected people’s strong desire for the coming of an earthly savoir. Dinesh Sharma, a marketing science consultant with a Ph.D in psychology from Harvard, appraised Obama likewise, "Many see in Obama a messiah-like figure, a great soul, and some affectionately call him Mahatma Obama." This article will endeavor to deflate all the mysterious hype around Barack Hussein Obama who has been identified as some mysterious spiritual, earthly savior. Rather, the reader will become aware that Obama is nothing more than a 'phony' - an 'empty suit' - created by a government bent on destroying the United States and controlling all 'free loving people' of the world. Obama is just another corrupt politician endorsed by the New World Order which is comprised of the corrupt criminally insane of the 'Rockefeller' variety. His election to Presidency was the result of the evil manipulation of the globalists who knew how to play the 'gullible' American public. Tired of the Bush and Cheney politics, Americans wanted 'change'. Unfortunately, they were mesmerized by a 'phony' who is proficient in reading lies from a teleprompter written for him by the evil that holds him in abeyance. |
In an effort to legitimize his U.S. citizenship, Senator Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. (BHO), posted his 'Certificate of Live Birth' (COLB) on his presidential campaign website. However, a detailed forensic analysis completed July 20, 2008, reveals innumerable inconsistencies with official State of Hawaii COLB certificates - before and after BHO’s was allegedly created. "The image of BHO’s alleged COLB is a horrible forgery," concluded the anonymous but well-qualified forensic fraud investigator who performed the analysis. But why didn’t, or couldn’t, BHO produce a regular birth certificate like everyone else? Why was an obviously forged COLB offered as 'proof' that he was a U.S. citizen qualified to be elected president? While the story of BHO and his meteoric rise to political prominence sounds plausible, even sentimentally American in the 'apple pie' sense, the apparently forged COLB supports our gut feeling that the official version of BHO’s life and family history is a tall tale. Unfortunately for the American people and the world, careful research consistently disproves the great American mantra, 'Anyone can become president' and BHO, the evidence will demonstrate, is not just 'anyone'. Those who ascend to the White House are genealogically linked to specific bloodlines and are supported throughout their lives by immense wealth and protected by political power - BHO is no exception.
Jerome R. Corsi
In the Santa Ana
Federal Court of Judge David Carter, Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. has submitted
an affidavit, sworn under penalty of perjury by a licensed Private
Investigator, Susan Elizabeth Daniels. NEW YORK – Two private investigators working independently are asking why President Obama is using a Social Security number set aside for applicants in Connecticut while there is no record he ever had a mailing address in the state. In addition, the records indicate the number was issued between 1977 and 1979, yet Obama's earliest employment reportedly was in 1975 at a Baskin-Robbins ice-cream shop in Oahu, Hawaii. Obama uses a Connecticut Soc. Sec. Number. The Social Security website confirms the first three numbers in Obama’s ID - 040-049 - are reserved for applicants with Connecticut addresses. They explain, "Since 1973, Social Security numbers have been issued by our Central Office. The first three (3) digits of a person's social security number are determined by the ZIP code of the mailing address shown on the application for a social security number." World Net Daily (WND) has copies of affidavits filed separately in a
presidential eligibility lawsuit in the U.S. District Court of the
District of Columbia by Ohio licensed private investigator Susan Daniels
and Colorado private investigator John N. Sampson who believe that Obama
needs to explain why he is using a Social Security number reserved for
Connecticut applicants that was issued at a date later than he is known
to have held employment. Barack Obama’s
social security number was issued in Connecticut, between 1977and 1979.
So, if he were born in 1961, then he would have between the ages 16-18.
Granted that little is known with certainty about our 'transparent'
President. but the ‘official story’ is that he was at
Panahou Academy in Hawaii during those years. WND has further confirmed that the Social Security number in question links to Obama in the online records maintained by the Selective Service System. Using a Social Security number, birth date and last name produces a valid Selective Service number. To verify the SS number Obama uses was issued by the Social Security Administration for applicants in Connecticut, Daniels used a Social Security number verification database. She found that the numbers immediately before and immediately after Obama's were issued to Connecticut applicants between the years 1977 and 1979. "There is obviously a case of fraud going on here," Daniels maintained. "In 15 years of having a private investigator's license in Ohio, I've never seen the Social Security Administration make a mistake of issuing a Connecticut Social Security number to a person who lived in Hawaii. There is no family connection that would appear to explain the anomaly."
Okay. So, how can a guy in high school in Hawaii get a fraudulent Social Security number of a dead person? Dr. Stanley Ann Dunham, Obama’s 'alleged' mother, worked for the Ford Foundation, which has very strong connections to the CIA . . . it is sometimes called the philanthropic front of the CIA. Dunham was 'a poverty pimp‘, otherwise known as an agent for negotiating ‘micro-economic loans’ to impoverished people at exorbitant rates. Her connections could have assisted BHO in obtaining a fraudulent SS numner. The social security number of Stanley Ann Dunham is alive and well, being used by several aliases, one of whom is 'Kelly Dunham'. Speculation is that she is also still alive and well, and may be involved in money-laundering and real estate schemes. If she were alive, she would only be 67 next month. Barry - (Obama) - is reported to have told the school children during his visit several months ago that his Mother would wake him at 4:30 AM, which seemed a bit strange. Like using sleep deprivation to brainwash him. Is this why he’s so attached to his Blackberry? Is it the records for which would never be available under FOIA?
Understanding how Obama, a virtual political unknown, was elected to the office of Presidency of the United States can be readily understood when you connect the dots to Madelyn Lee Payne Dunham, (BHO’s maternal grandmother), a very influential individual. Her weekend adventures to El Dorado, 'the wrong side of the tracks', was where she met her future husband, Stanley Armour Dunham (SAD). Madelyn eloped with SAD on May (4th or 5th), 1940, a secret she kept from her parents until after her high school graduation. She worked as a waitress and then landed a job with Boeing in Wichita, KS as a riveter on a B-29 assembly line during WWII. Her 'mechanic' job with Boeing in Wichita was no coincidence, either. Boeing was another company secretly owned by the Payseurs. Former
French paymaster George Payseur became American 'George Bayshore' and
was gifted land and stock in The Virginia Company. The Payseurs
acquired land to build railroads and solicited the services of the
Rockefellers, Vanderbilts, Loebs, Schiffs, Harrimans, J.P. Morgan and
other well-known banking families as agents. George Bayshore was also the owner of Jekyll Island, where the Federal
Reserve Act was secretly penned by the front men for the Rothschilds and
King George V. For their role in facilitating the establishment of
a foreign central bank in the U.S., these operatives were well-rewarded
and became known as America’s 'power elite'. Madelyn’s roots are significant. Her parents, Rolla Charles Payne (1892-1968) and Leona McCurry (1897-1930), were strict Methodists. They lived on a farm and although the Paynes were not farmers, they enjoyed a ‘modest income’. How is it a non-farmer, living on a farm in Kansas, earned his 'modest' living? Well, he survived quite lucratively leasing his land to John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company, managing oil leases for Standard Oil in Oklahoma and Kansas. The name 'Rolla' is both German and French in origin and speaks volumes about his probable heritage. Though one might deduce that the Payne name is British, it was likely an alias. His connection to the Rockefeller dynasty supports that conclusion. Rolla C. Payne was fronting for Rockefeller, as Rockefeller was fronting for Louis Cass Payseur, heir to Daniel Payseur (Crown Prince Louis of France under King George III). Since Rolla Payne earned his living through 'oil-lease royalties' and as an accountant for Standard Oil, he likely served an important role with the shipping lines, traveling about the globe as a 'Rockefeller' agent. Was Madelyn (Payne) Dunham, former waitress and 'Rosie the Riveter', destined to become an 'aircraft inspector' at Boeing and the vice-president of two major banks? In hindsight, yes. Madelyn’s journey in life was not a matter of scholastic achievement, hard work and chance. She was groomed for her role as a moneychanger. The Dunham’s unverifiable cross-country moves throughout the western U.S. were likely related to her future banking roles and had little or nothing to do with SAD’s landing a better job as a furniture salesman. An investigation of Madelyn L. Dunham’s possible associations and aliases can take us down 'rabbit holes' beyond the scope of this article. However, it opens wide an avenue of investigation that could lead to exposing a huge real property acquisition racket, of which Dunham, et al, are only part; exposing what’s really behind the nation’s scandalous mortgage industry feeding frenzy, the $trillions in private profit taking and potentially $trillions in looming public liability. Also indicated in a people search database are four distinct addresses for Madelyn L. Dunham in Chicago, IL. When (and why) did these moves occur and why are they never mentioned in official biographical accounts of her life? Is it because they will lead one to the truth - the truth of who Madelyn Dunham really is? Chicago has been (and still is) a major center for international money laundering and her secretive history there, along with Barack Obama’s subsequent residence and political career, is not a coincidence Numerous aliases also appear to be linked to Madelyn L. Dunham. One such alias, discovered within a 'people-search' database, 'William A Mai Residence Payne', is suspiciously connected to the Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (ABAC), a community college in Tifton, GA, involved in crop and livestock genetic modification research. Another name that pops up associated with Madelyn L. Dunham is 'Kelly L. Schippleck', (age 39). Names associated with possible aliases for Kelly L. Schippleck are 'Kelly A. Dunham' and 'Kelly L. Dunham'. One record for Madelyn L. Dunham in Hawaii listed her age as 48. Reverse the numbers and she becomes 84. One could speculate that this record was created in 2006 (1922 + 84 = 2006). Listed as possible relatives are the names of two Dunhams purported to have died in 1992 (SAD) and 1995 (Stanley Ann) and Shippleck, Kelly L. Also listed is a reference to four (4) unique addresses in Chicago, IL. and five (5) unique addresses in Honolulu, HI, for Madelyn L. Dunham. Getting back to Stanley Ann, the birth date of Kelly Ann Dunham is listed as November 8, 1964. Stanley Ann is purported to have died on November 7, 1995. The next day, Kelly Ann was born, though the year is obviously modified to account for her being an adult. A search of the Social Security Death Index produces No Results with the name and S.S. number '079-52-7004', (the number given to Stanley Ann) so the birth/death record is also fictitious. However, the number entry alone does produce a record with her name. This pattern is consistent with research into the aliases of other CIA 'spooks' such as Otto Skorzeny. This record ties one to their activities as operatives, not their birth or death and obfuscates the theft of Social Security funds which appears to be yet another organized criminal enterprise. Since SAD and Madelyn Lee (Payne) Dunham had only one child, Kelly Ann would undoubtedly be the alias for Stanley Ann. The number of addresses are most likely derived from real estate transaction records which are obscured by each alias. Was Stanley Ann really securing micro loans for indigent women in Indonesia and other foreign countries, or was she acquiring properties for the Ford Foundation and their Rockefeller cohorts? The multiple addresses under each alias suggest an extreme pattern of money laundering and real estate acquisitions. No one person would have so many addresses in one lifetime and certainly not under each alias. Could there be another Stanley Ann Dunham? Though Stanley Ann reportedly died on November 7, 1995, her name is still active and does not appear in the Social Security Death Index. The odds that a second Stanley Ann Dunham exists are at least 7 billion to one and the odds that a second Stanley Ann Dunham would also be listed at age 65 is even more remote.Dead people do not age, especially after cremation. Yet, here we have Stanley Ann Dunham, alive and well, with multiple addresses in cities from Hawaii, Arizona, Massachusetts and California to New York. Include her aliases and the list expands to Ohio, Indiana, Wyoming, Oregon, Florida, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Alabama and Nevada. According to BHO’s 'step-grandmother', Kezia, in a January, 2008 interview with the Mail Online, her description of Stanley Ann reveals many previously unknown details. "We have seen each other many times since that first visit, in the U.S., in Kenya and in England. I was very fond of Barack Jr.’s mother, Ann. She came to Kenya after Barack, Sr., died and she and I became great friends. She was like a sister to me." The article continued, "So, when Ann died of ‘breast cancer’ in 1995..." BHO’s account, along with numerous biographies, claimed that Stanley Ann Dunham died of ovarian cancer. How could two individuals so close to Stanley Ann be so confused about the nature of her cancer and the cause of her death? The comments of Kezia provide additional clues supporting the belief that Stanley Ann Dunham’s death was faked in order to remove her questionable past and her ongoing banking and real estate acquisition activities from public scrutiny while BHO’s meteoric rise to political power was underway. Stanley Ann also spoke several foreign languages. Though she studied German at MIHS, she could already speak French when she arrived at Mercer Island. She likely studied French in Lebanon and not in Kansas, Texas, California or Washington. These details reinforce the argument that Stanley Ann was not born in the U.S. and might explain why there are so few family photos during her infancy or early childhood. A more remote possibility is that the whole family was brought into the U.S. during WWII as spies.Today, in 2008, Stanley Ann, or at least someone doing business as Stanley Ann, is clearly alive and busy in the money-laundering activities attributable to Madelyn Lee (Payne) Dunham, the Rockefellers, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and the CIA. The research into BHO’s parents and grandparents has revealed conclusively that the official BHO story is factually deficient and chronologically impossible in multitudes of areas. The research has, quite by accident, opened the door to the world of organized real estate fraud and money laundering. Admittedly, charging the Dunhams and their presumed aliases and Stanley Ann and her aliases with complicity in this nation-destroying scam is a bold step forward and, journalistically, could be deemed premature. However, the extent of money-laundering as revealed by means of linking database names and real estate transactions is staggering. On the basis of the above examples and evidence from other investigations, the numbers of properties involved likely number in the millions and would be worth hundreds of billions of dollars, if not $trillions. As a closing comment, it is believed that the savings and loan company failures of the previous decade and the current mortgage industry failures as evidenced by the recent collapse of Sallie Mae and Freddie Mac - and the inevitable coming domino collapse of U.S. banks - have all been precipitated by this highly-organized, politically-protected community of operatives. In the end, they will have taken $trillions in profits and will be leaving the public $trillions in debts. And now, this cabal’s #1 son wants to be your president and promises to deliver "Change we can live with." Don Nicoloff
So we now see that Obama wasn't just an obscure nobody who mysteriously appeared on the scene. He has strong political ties via his grandmother and mother who taught him how to 'wheel and deal' in illicit business transactions. To fool the people into thinking that candidates for high public office are just ordinary Americans, their genealogy is obfuscated, the immense wealth backing them is not mentioned and the political power behind them is understated. Their public personas, then, are illusions. Our purpose here is to dispel the illusions and reveal the true identities of those who have serenaded the world into a hypnotic state by composing, arranging and orchestrating their secret symphony while raping the world of its resources and the people of their sovereignty, dignity and freedom. Senator Barack Hussein Obama is a creation of the mainstream media and their controllers. Never before has a political figure been so completely created out of thin air. While the public’s attention is focused on sound bites, pictures, and stories of heroic deeds, the subterfuge behind BHO’s presidential campaign is nothing more than an all-out effort to accelerate the creation of a 'New World Order'. Let it suffice to say the evidence over- whelming supports that conclusion. Accepting this reality will be a most difficult challenge for BHO supporters who believe the junior senator from Illinois is their 'savior'.
WASHINGTON – WND Editor Joseph Farah has produced the first major DVD documentary on the critical issues surrounding the constitutional eligibility of Barack Obama to serve as president – but it wasn't easy. In fact, during the course of shooting and editing ‘A Question of Eligibility‘, the award-winning filmmaking team, including veterans of many controversial movie projects, made the unusual request to keep its identity secret for fear of retribution from the administration. It is expected to ship to customers on August 4th, the date Obama claims as his 48th birthday. Preorders are being accepted exclusively at the WND Superstore. This eligibility issue is the only issue that threatens not only the future of his presidency, but almost everything he thinks he has already accomplished as president. "That's how hot this topic is," said Farah. "That's how hot this movie is. I guess you could say it's a special birthday surprise for Obama, but, honestly, I don't think he'll like it. In fact, I believe the facts revealed in this documentary keep Obama awake at night. Farah chose four key presenters to bring the issue home: Orly Taitz, one of the most visible attorneys involved in filing lawsuits challenging Obama to produce proof of his qualifications for office; Alan Keyes, a participant in one of those lawsuits, a presidential candidate himself, and the Republican candidate who opposed Obama in his successful bid to become a U.S. senator, the job that brought him to national attention; and Janet Porter, an activist and pundit who writes a weekly column for WND. Farah said, “Sooner or later the truth will come out on Obama's failure to prove his eligibility and maybe even his inability to prove it. Officials in Washington will finally see first hand that they've been sold a bill of goods about Obama's qualifications. "It will be a shame if we learn he was ineligible to serve in the office of president only after he's gone. If we can force the issue to be addressed while he is still in office, we have a chance of turning back the clock on many of the destructive actions he has taken already. If he's not able to prove his constitutional qualifications, we might all be able to wake up one day and think of the Obama administration as just a bad dream." Three other experts insist that the White House answer new questions about additional documentation Obama has failed to show. Besides not producing his original birth certificate, Obama hasn’t released educational records, scholarly articles, passport documents, medical records, papers from his service in the Illinois State Senate, Illinois State Bar Association records, or any baptism records and/or adoption papers. A nationally recognized expert on identity theft, Siciliano, agrees the Social Security number should be questioned. "I know Social Security numbers have been issued to people in states where they don't live, but there's usually a good reason the person applied for a Social Security number in a different state." WND asked Siciliano whether he thought the question was one the White House should answer. "Yes," he replied. "In the case of President Obama, I really don't know what the good reason would be that he has a Social Security number issued in Connecticut when we know he was a resident of Hawaii." WND has further confirmed that the Social Security number in question links to Obama in the online records maintained by the Selective Service System. Using a Social Security number, birth date and last name produces a valid Selective Service number. To verify the SS number Obama uses was issued by the Social Security Administration for applicants in Connecticut, Daniels used a Social Security number verification database. She found that the numbers immediately before and immediately after Obama's were issued to Connecticut applicants between the years 1977 and 1979. "There is obviously a case of fraud going on here," Daniels maintained. "In 15 years of having a private investigator's license in Ohio, I've never seen the Social Security Administration make a mistake of issuing a Connecticut Social Security number to a person who lived in Hawaii. There is no family connection that would appear to explain the anomaly."
Sampson's affidavit specifies that as a result of his formal training as an immigration officer and his 27-year career in professional law enforcement, "It is my knowledge and belief that Social Security numbers can only be applied for in the state in which the applicant habitually resides and has their official residence." Daniels told WND she believes Obama had a different Social Security number when he worked as a teenager in Hawaii prior to 1977. "I doubt this is President Obama's originally issued Social Security number," she told WND. "Obama has a work history in Hawaii before he left the Islands to attend college at Occidental College in California, so he must have originally been issued a Social Security number in Hawaii." The published record available about Obama indicates his first job as a teenager in Hawaii was at a Baskin-Robbins in the Makiki neighborhood on Oahu. USA Today reported the ice-cream shop was still was in operation one year after Obama's inauguration. Politifact.com, a website typically supportive of Obama, claims he worked at the Baskin-Robbins in 1975 or 1976, prior to the issuance of the number in question. "It is a crime to use more than one Social Security number, and Barack Obama had to have a previous Social Security number to have worked at Baskin-Robbins," Daniels insisted. "Under current law, a person is not permitted to use more than one Social Security number in a lifetime." Another anomaly in the law enforcement databases searched by Daniels and Sampson is that the date 1890 shows up in the field indicating the birth of the number holder, along with Obama's birth date of 08/04/1961. A third date listed is 04/08/1961, which appears to be a transposition of Obama's birth date in an international format, with the day before the month. Daniels disclosed to WND the name of the database she searched and produced a computer screen copy of the page that listed 1890 as a date associated with the '042' Social Security number. She said she couldn’t be sure if the 1890 figure has any significance. But she said it appears the number Obama is using was previously issued by the Social Security Administration.After an extensive check of the proprietary databases she uses as a licensed private investigator, Daniels determined that the first occurrence of Obama's association with the number was in 1986 in Chicago. Daniels assumes, but cannot prove, that Obama took on a previously issued social security number that had gone dormant due to the death of the original holder. Daniels has been a licensed private investigator in Ohio since 1995. Sampson formed his private investigations firm, CSI Consulting and Investigations, in 2008. He previously worked as a deportations law enforcement officer with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The Daniels and Sampson affidavits were originally recorded by attorney Orly Taitz in an eligibility case against Obama last year.