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Dear Reader ~ I truly hope our positive awareness and
power of consciousness will offset this dire
possibility. |
Belgium author, Patrick Geryl, has come to the staggering conclusion that the Earth will soon be subjected to an immense disaster. He believes that the next polar reversal will take place on earth in 2012. This means that the North Pole will be changed into the South Pole. Scientifically this can only be explained by the fact that the earth will start rotating in the opposite direction, together with a disaster of unknown proportions. Geryl warns that life after a polar reversal would be unsustainable
for most of civilization. It is the worst nightmare imaginable as it
would be more destructive than a nuclear war in which the entire global
arsenal of nuclear weapons were deployed in one blow. In short,
the Earth will be subjected to total destruction. Anyone that might
possibly survive will face insurmountable life-threatening danger, hunger, cold and
pain without any hope of a quick recovery because all of Earth's resources will have been completely destroyed.
Every convenience we are accustomed to for survival will be gone. A person
would face unbelievable challenge to survive in this chaos . . . if they even
wished to. The result:
magnetic field will reverse all at once, with catastrophic consequences
for humanity. Massive earthquakes will demolish all buildings on the
planet and instigate colossal tsunamis and intense volcanic activity. In
fact, the Earth's crust will shift, sweeping continents thousands of
miles away from their present positions.
Polar reversals can be calculated precisely on the basis of the Sunspot Cycle theory or the Magnetic Field theory, which the Maya and the Old Egyptians were privy to. These secrets are contained in the ‘Labyrinth of Hawara‘, a huge complex consisting of three thousand rooms. Geryl explains, “When you, as a scientist, stumble upon results that present astronomers do not know, you have without doubt stumbled upon something terribly important. Everyone will have to admit it and that is exactly what I have done. I discovered an echo of a long-lost technological terminology; a majestic building (Labyrinth) with immensely sophisticated keys. Many numbers were based on the Sunspot Cycle, which he had discovered. It is a theory that is irrefutably correct and not known by our physicists! It cannot be more alarming!" The Riddle of the Magnetic Field solved . . . Only one object can cause this. Our Sun. Geryl refers to his book,
‘The Orion Prophecy’,
In an equivalent scenario, the field of the earth can reverse in just the same way. Astronomers know that the particles of a solar storm can compress the Earth's magnetic field and temporarily speed up the power of the Earth's field. When the solar particles reach our planet, the electro-magnetically loaded particles will move in a spiral along the magnetic lines from the magnetic North pole to the magnetic South pole and back. While passing this north-south axis, they will move into the direction of the equator. When they arrive there, they will join into a super powerful ‘ring current‘. This ‘ring current’ generates an intense magnetic field that is opposite to the Earth's magnetic field. In order to overpower the Earth's magnetic field you need a solar flame a hundred times more forceful than the biggest one we have ever seen. At the reversal of the magnetic field of the Sun, this degree will certainly be reached. From there, Geryl’s point of view deviates from that expressed by
Paul La Violette. Not only will the poles reverse - the Earth
will begin to rotate in the opposite direction! This can only occur when
the ‘ring current’ pushes the inner core of the earth in the
opposite direction. Everyone knows that when you change the poles of an
electric motor, it will start turning the other way. The same holds for
the interior of the earth. When an external short-circuit takes place,
the core can only start to turn in the opposite
direction! About Patrick Geryl Since childhood, Geryl was very interested in astronomy and up to the present, he has studied hundreds of publications and books on this subject. Ironically, his own discoveries about the "End of Times in 2012" shocked him so deeply that it put him on a worldwide quest. In his first published book on astronomy ('A new Space-Time Dimension', 1979), he launched an attack on the world famous 'RelativityTheory'. He predicted several spectacular things that were connected to the Universe. His predictions were confirmed in the last ten years, getting a lot of publicity in the Belgium press and television. Through his astronomical knowledge, he discovered a trace leading to a highly developed civilization that was destroyed by a polar reversal. The descendants of this civilization, the Maya and Old Egyptians, predicted a similar disaster for the year 2012. Noticing the urgency of this warning, Patrick started an intensive research and wrote three books on this subject. He is the author of nine books, written in Dutch of which one was published in Germany, called ’Topfit mit Sonnenkost‘. All of them became bestsellers. The first book, ‘The Orion Prophecy‘, was published in 1998 in Belgium and Holland. It was translated and published at the end of 2001 in the USA. After this, translations followed in Polish (Edit. Amber), Spanish (Kier), Bulgarian and Portuguese (Pensamento). The book became a bestseller in Poland. ‘The World Cataclysm in 2012’ was published in 2005 in the USA. It also became a bestseller in Poland.
After cracking several Ancient codes, Geryl launched his
world-shattering message that the Earth was destined for a huge disaster.
At a certain moment, when the Sun's magnetism reaches a crucial point,
the Sun's surface will be subjected to immense storms. Enormous
electro-magnetic forces will then be liberated with unknown strength
from the interior of the Sun. Giant sun-flames will send a gigantic wave
of particles to the earth.
(This phenomenon has been observed and confirmed recently with other
Suns.) The particles that are spewed out will put the Earth's atmosphere into
flames and have a real destructive effect on the Van Allen belts.
Because of the continuous stream of electromagnetism, the magnetic field
of the Earth will get overcharged. Trillions of particles will reach the poles. Unknown electric forces
will be generated - a nightmare for everybody involved. When the poles
are filled with auroras from the falling particles, the inevitable will
happen. The earth's inner electromagnetic field will get overcharged and
will crash resulting in a mega short-circuit with super lethal effects.
The planet's entire atmosphere, without magnetic protection, will be
bombarded by falling particles. The Labyrinth - Keeper of a Forgotten Time
. . . Geryl doesn’t doubt that a connection between the reversal in the
Sun's magnetism, the Earth’s polar reversal and the destruction of
Atlantis will be found in The Large Labyrinth. The mysteries of our
remote past will shock all people worldwide, because they also hide the
super secret that the end is near – very near. THE WORLD CATACLYSM IN 2012
People have ignored Geryl's discoveries. Like true ostriches, they bury their
heads in the sand, completely blind to what is awaiting them. However,
the message of the old super scientists is more than clear. The magnetic
field of the Sun will reverse and completely destroy our civilization.
The people who discovered this sent us a message in an international
language summarized in mathematical and astronomical codes. Few people believe in Geryl's Pole Shift Theory,
which is very understandable. It's difficult to even think he
could be right. He's probably the ultimate pessimist. His
spin on the aftermath of the pole shift is as follows:
taken at the site at 'HAWARA' Patrick and Gino have established the exact location of the famous
built by the Ancient Egyptians. This temple is probably the largest
man-made monument ever constructed and is reputed to contain a wealth of
information and astronomical knowledge of the Old Egyptians.
The Greek Historiographer Herodotus was amazed when he saw the huge
Labyrinth in the fifth century before Christ. It was the administrative
and astronomical center of Egypt, had 2 floors, 3000 rooms and probably
a diameter of more than a kilometer. In addition, historical
sources have told of a forgotten time-capsule of ancient wisdom located
in a massive Labyrinth. They speak of secret chambers filled with
artifacts and documents from the previous flood. This 'Hall of Records'
was created by this antediluvian race and the Old Egyptians who held
strong apocalyptic beliefs and wanted to preserve their accomplishments
and wisdom for posterity. The excavation of this time capsule will have enormous
archeological and historical implications. (As of this date, Egyptian
authorities have not permitted an evacuation.) Dendera, Egypt, Tuesday 25 March 1997 Geryl states, "Simultaneously with our first steps in the temple an overwhelming feeling hit us. Everything radiated grandeur and power. The day before we had visited the Valley of the Kings, but it couldn't withstand the comparison with Dendera. Here, everything was more mysterious, more enigmatic, more complex as if a hidden power was behind it; an unfathomable deep source of knowledge. Gino and I were determined to try and unravel it. We looked with astonishment at the wonderful columns and the exquisite ceilings. Up on the roof we took the important coordinates. Then we admired the copy of the zodiacal table - the original is in the Louvre in Paris. It was here that Gino noticed a first deviation in the concept. According to his measurements, the Zodiac was directed to the north, with a deviation of five degrees in eastern direction. Since it was a copy it could be a coincidence. So he decided to measure the south-north axis of the temple. To his astonishment it also showed a deviation of five degrees in the eastern direction." Esna, Egypt, Wednesday 26 March 1997
'How to Survive 2012’ was published at the end of 2006. After these publications, Patrick has mainly spent his time on forming a survival group.
Responses from others to consider:
PROJECT CAMELOT published a video which included their disclaimer that while the interview presents interesting information, and that they had nothing against Patrick personally, they firmly believed that his conclusions were incorrect. They actually debated whether to release it at all - although the video shows a civilized and intelligent conversation. Patrick Geryl is a well-meaning and intellectually honest researcher. For someone certain that the world as we know it will end, Patrick is astonishingly cheerful, friendly and matter-of-fact. PROJECT CAMELOT opted to release the video, with the disclaimer, so that his logic could be made accessible to others. In brief, Patrick is convinced that the Sun will undergo a pole reversal in 2012, and that this will induce a similar reversal on Earth. At that point, says Patrick, all hell will break loose. The idea of a cataclysm in 2012 is not just Patrick's. Roland Emmerich (the director of the movie 2012) did not get his ideas from him. The notion of a pole shift (or some other civilization-stopper) round about then has become a kind of modern myth. What makes this interesting territory to explore is that, as many visitors to PROJECT CAMELOT know, governments of the US and other countries have spent trillions of dollars building hundreds (if not thousands) of deep underground bases, (review lies_lies_lies.htm - The Real Estate You Can't Afford) some the size of small cities with a subterranean transport system connecting them, and most black project researchers now support the idea of a secret space program that might be far more advanced than would be easily believable. The question is WHY? Is this preparation for a cataclysmic event that had been foreseen using classified technology - or one about which we were warned by friendly time-traveling ETs? Or is the reality more subtle - that there was reason to take precautions against a possible event of this nature, but that while the military were doing what they do best - digging in defensively - the best minds on and off the planet were working to eliminate the threat? Based on insider testimony from our own multiple sources, PROJECT CAMELOT firmly believes the latter. For more on this, read our major article 2009: A TALE OF TWO TIMELINES - (projectcamelot.org/2009.html), which cites strong evidence that the future is changeable (and NOT fixed) - and that the way things turn out for us all is influenced not only by high technology, but also by the power of consciousness itself. This is, in our view, the flaw in Patrick Geryl's analysis. He omits to consider the power of consciousness to shape events (which is why the 2012 movie is dangerous) - It might scare millions of people into manifesting the very thing that is least wanted. We believe that the many hundreds of thousands of Indigo and Crystal Children, preceded by more mature warriors like ourselves (and there are MANY of us) are only two people among a very large worldwide team that spans every culture, would NOT be here if the future was all wrapped up. Speaking personally, we would have incarnated on another planet. Why land on Planet Earth just to jump off the cliff edge? It makes no sense to us unless there was a game to be played. Here, the use of the word 'game' does not imply anything trivial. Seen from an Earthly level, it couldn't be more serious - although a spiritually light touch adds substantially to the power one has at one's disposal to catalyze change. The notion of a 'game' is that the outcome is uncertain - and that the desired outcome is worth striving for, against opposition in the form of the counter- intentions of others, and other practical challenges. This is what we're certain is going on. The stakes are high, the outcome is not fixed, and there are players in this game - seen and unseen, on either side - which have significant power and ability. This is the shortest written summary we can offer of what is a huge subject. It's not everything that Project Camelot is about, but is quite a large part: and those of you who have accompanied us on this journey will be aware of much of what has been written above. We ask you to support the process, each in your own way, of ensuring that the outcome for the human race is a desirable one, and that the planet will be one which our children will enjoy - and where we ourselves will be pleased to return in our next lifetime, should we choose. On Coast to Coast
AM with host George Noory, invited
researcher of ancient The dwarf star will emit a lot of radiation, as well as gravitational pull that will cause massive earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, and climate extremes, he warned, adding that an example of the coming change was the sun rising two days early in Greenland this year. LUCUS believes that the 'powers that be' are aware of the coming dwarf star and have already made survival preparations including an underground facility at the Denver Airport. They have also authorized the spraying of chemtrails which contain barium-- this absorbs and reduces the effects of radiation, he pointed out. LUCUS spoke about how the Yellowstone super caldera is increasing in activity but seismic data is being deleted or suppressed from the public. If the caldera blows, the catastrophic effects include deadly glass particles sent into the atmosphere that people and animals would breathe in. He also noted that the San Bruno gas explosion happened at the same time as a fireball in the sky, and may have been sparked by an asteroid. At least 3 pole shifts in the last 100,000 years! In his book "The Path of the Pole", Professor Charles Hapgood writes:
If the North Pole changes, the South Pole changes also. Hapgood writes the following:
This website has been warning the public of Planet X and the pole shift it will cause for at least ten years. The site offers many pictures taken by people from all parts of the world. It is worth your time and effort to visit this site to get a much broader view of the prophesized pole shift in 2012.