

Question . . .
What if humans have been transformed
into technology by DNA manipulation?
in the Universe has evolved from the same components . . . in different
ratios. Stars, suns, asteroids, comets, black matter, planets, living
organisms, people . . . are comprised of the same protons, electrons,
neutrons, waves, atoms, molecules, etc. This may explain how a vast number
of individuals were created without souls. They are the 'hybrids' (clones,
walk-ins, robots) of advanced Ets who have interfered with humanity's
evolution. It may also explain why some robots eventually go

Instead of
panicking and allowing ourselves to be hypnotized by the
'global elite' psychopaths who want to destroy us and control the
world, isn't it time we take back our power and get rid of all the
Cleaning 'house' starts with a thorough purging of corrupt
government; when this is accomplished, we must eliminate every
evil 'sicko' holding office in every facility of our society.
This includes health, military, corporate, academia, etc. It's time to
take action and save our lives, our loved ones, our dreams, and
all that we cherish.
We can no
longer be complacent and allow ourselves to be terrorized,
manipulated, and brainwashed. The Global
Elite are our enemy. They despise humanity and all that is
positive and good.


Until humans unite and free themselves
from the control of globalists, the World will continue to deteriorate.
We must eliminate the psychopaths from
society - from the planet - from the galaxy - from the Universe.
If you are a human with a soul, examine
your heart for the answer on how this will be accomplished. What are you
waiting for?
HINT . . . 'AI' = Artificial Life

every liberal/fascist/communist low-life -

I'm sick of your smug, ugly faces
'spitting out' your hateful rhetoric and contempt for this great country
and its heritage. You are mentally compromised. I'm tired of your
disrespect for our President, our laws, and our American citizens. Most of
you don't deserve to be here. You soil our land because you are trash. I
suggest you get your ugly A-holes out of here and take your sh - - with
you. Go back to where you belong . . . NOW!
When was the last
time you read a story that captured your
heart and was a real 'page
turner'? Author Reimer introduces
you to Amber - a woman unable
to move on and 'let go' of a man
she still loves. He fears she will
leave him again if he allows the
fire of their lost love ignite. As you
learn about their situation, you
find yourself
hoping they can persevere and realize a 'happy ending'.
If you are an
incurable romantic and believe in true love, you don't
want to miss this
sensitive story about people like yourself or someone
you may know who met
and fell in love at the wrong time. Will fate
intervene and allow them a 'second
chance'? Available
at Amazon |
Available @ Amazon.com


hard to determine your greatest attribute -
Your ignorance . . . or your hubris.

"We the people . . . "

Alarming the public with a
pandemic would be an easy
way for the (shadow) government
to keep everyone in a voluntary
hostage situation. If so,
what is the
The possibilities are
numerous. The
motive/s . . . very suspect.
Hopefully, this will all
have a happy
Keep alert.
UPDATE - 3/20/20
days after uploading the above message, (based on my personal
opinion) I was guided to view Jon Rappoport's Blog - nomorefakenews.com.
His succinct observations concerning the present 'hyped-up' scare about
the corona virus epidemic were strikingly objective,
revealing, and very cathartic. It reassured me that we must not panic and
abandon our 'critical thinking'. Jon
is the author of three explosive collections: ('The Matrix Revealed',
'Exit From The Matrix', and 'Power Outside The Matrix') in addition to
many other publications. He is mentioned on this website in reference to
the truth about vaccinations.
Please take the
time to visit his website and read his powerful comments on how the public
is being deceived and manipulated into believing this horrible false
narrative that is focused on destroying the world economy and the will of
all its inhabitants. His information, based on facts and
research, will resonate with your survival instincts and common sense to
see through this entire hoax.
UPDATE - 4/5/20
Learn the truth of how the 'Cult'
government deceived the World with deceptive information about the Covid-19 virus to scare humanity into 'lockdown'. Know about
the connection to 5G 'roll out' and toxic vaccinations. A
thorough explanation on:
~ the false test
~ exosomes - genetic material
~ the
5G rollout worldwide
control of the masses
A must view! www.davidicke.com/article

Health Organizations
and FDA must be exposed for their treacherous and fraudulent
activities. They are a threat to humanity. In 2017, I published ‘Stop
The World: I Want To Get Off’. My endeavor was to alert the reader
about the malicious activities of the above Cabal organizations.
Obviously, it did not arouse the response I had hoped for. The public
remained complacent; except for the heartbroken cries of unheard parents
whose children had been damaged by contaminated vaccinations.
Perhaps the content of this novel will be more appealing at this moment in

4/8/20 Update . . .
Doctors' Vital Videos:
Know your enemies
. . .

Gates has a long history of
participating in anti-human
projects. He has a massive
involvement with the covid-19
virus scam. He advocates (funds)
mandatory vaccinations for the
phony virus. It is highly suspect
the vaccinations will contain
'nano' technology. |
If Gates thinks he's going to enforce mandatory vaccinations - he'd better run for
the high ground. He and his bride, like the Clintons and Jeffrey Epstein,
have been involved in the worldwide pedophilia
ring since 2002. (A known astrologer can verify this info). His father was active in Planned Parenthood back in the
day. Connect the dots. He and the Clintons started their bogus 'charitable'
organizations as a 'front' for their nefarious activities with helpless
children they marketed for profit. I hope this pervert, with his pathetic
'clown expression', is exposed and punished for what he is - a CRIMINAL!
In addition, Gates owns the patent on the Covid-19 virus as was revealed
by Dr. Rashid Buttar. His involvement with the CDC, WHO, NIH, and
many other health organizations is very suspect! Review the recent videos
on YouTube that expose the covert activities of Gates and CDC operator
. View
Gates' Natal Chart: 

Musk: ('front man' ) has obtained permission for a million
ground-based antennae he calls
'ufos on a stick' from the FCC that will interact with his satellites
to beam
5G to every inch of the Planet. The FCC issued a blanket license for the
operation of a million fixed earth stations
to communicate with Space X (owned by the
Cult). This will cause tremendous
damage to humanity's immune system. |
David Icke calls
these two psychopaths - 'genocidal war criminals'. I agree.
Coast to Coast am -
George Noory
Kent Heckentively
& Judy Mikovits - Authors of
'Pandemic' Amazon

4/14/20 - The Truth
About Medical Corruption
Science teacher and attorney Kent Heckentively, is a founding editor of
'Age of Autism'. Judy Mikovits, earned her PhD in Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology and studied immunology, virology, and drug development
for over 35 years. They shared the revelation that a retrovirus called
XMRV is linked to chronic fatigue syndrome, prostate cancer, lymphoma, and
autism. Dr. Mikovits presented her discovery in 2009 to leading scientists
at the NIH, who were unreceptive. She had also noted the possible
connection between vaccinations (which sometimes have embedded
retroviruses) and the development of autism.
Since Anthony Fauci has
been around the CDC for over 35 years, he and Mikovits clashed. She
believes he has not been truthful to President Trump and should be removed
from his CDC position. In fact, she believes the WHO & CDC
should be closed since they are not operating in the public's best
interest and never have been. They are corrupt!
Mikovits and
Heckentively noted that it was Dr. Anthony Fauci who OK'd millions of
dollars to fund Wuhun , China's virology Institute that was studying
corona viruses. Mikovits believes that COVID-19 has an accelerated
evolution that was developed in a laboratory with an expanded
host range beyond ordinary influenza. She suspects that there is a
'cover-up' going on that the virus acts as a trigger for people
with preexisting conditions; notably the 'aged'. (It was mentioned that the
vast numbers of senior deaths would greatly reduce Social Security
payouts, Medicare, Medicaid etc.); we know these programs are bankrupt
Mikovits suggested that
the virus enters the population through flu shots, (which are ineffective
for the flu) and that social distancing is not effective for
the Covid-19. She advised people that they can heal themselves by
strengthening their immune system with vitamins A, D, C, zinc, and
They think they'll be
safe in their underground bunkers and cities. What they don't
know is that
the Goddess has a big surprise in store for them.
Available at Amazon
Anthony Fauci
Bill Gates
It's a fact that
prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, Bill Gates, the
renowned billionaire psychopath, spoke about the possibility of a new flu that
could kill more than 30 million people in just six months. (Actually, this
is nothing new. Thousands infected with the flu die each year despite the
ineffectual 'flu' vaccinations offered by the CDC). Gates stated that in
order to pro-actively fight against the next deadly pandemic, the World
needs better tools, an early detection system and a global response system.
The U.S. should lead in developing the responsive pandemic
preparedness for the world. “We need to invest in other approaches
like antiviral drugs and antibody therapies that can be stockpiled or
rapidly manufactured to stop the spread of pandemic diseases or treat
people who have been exposed.”
Gates and his bride endorse the
'bio-metric' ID 2020 - a global plan to chip every living being and
manufactured item on the planet as well as animals and plants. These
people are 'sick' control freaks. Every normal person should be
aware of these psychopaths and their intent. They will be tracking every
person from birth to death. National ID cards will be administrated
to show proof of vaccination. The psychopaths are telling the public, "
It's dangerous not to be chipped as a person could become invisible
and be 'swept up' in some type of trafficking."
Through the efforts of Dr. Rashid
Buttar, we are alerted that House Resolution 6666 - Trace Act
(Covid-19 Testing, Researching, and Contacting Everyone) was introduced by
Congressman Bobby Rush (Democrat - IL) on 5/1/20. Congress wants the
authority to trace/track every man, woman, and child and the authorization
to enter your home and remove anyone they deem has come into 'contact'
with Covid-19.
This bill is
unconstitutional and is in violation of our rights as American
Contact Dr. Buttar
at - askdrbuttar.com/hr6666 - and sign the petition to
kill this bill! Tell all your friends and family members
The Truth Will Set
You Free . . .
London-Real presents
If you have been
following the suggested videos referred to on this site, you know that
Icke's video was banned by YouTube. However, Brian Rose, who
interviewed Icke, wasn't going to let the Global Cabal defeat his efforts
to broadcast the opinions of many medical doctors and concerned citizens who
believe the pandemic is a hoax. He has now organized and uploaded his own
podcasts, and is confidant that the psychopaths will not be able to block
his interviews. I strongly urge every viewer to support him and all the brave individuals who
are speaking out.
Please take the time to view all Rashid Buttar videos (some are
still on YouTube). Dr. Buttar's message will help negate your fears and 'set you
free' from this demonic plot that endeavors to take away our freedom and
make us complacent docile slaves.

It's time to stop the

Why humanity is
suffering . . .
As the 'face' morphs
into the face of any
audience member
looking directly at it from a viewing pedestal it says . . .
intelligence — a form of
artificial intelligence (AI) smarter than humans — could create an
'immortal dictator', billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk warned. In a
documentary by American filmmaker Chris Paine, Musk said that the
development of super intelligence by a company or other organization of
people could result in a form of AI that governs the world. “The
least scary future I can think of is one where we have at least
democratized AI because if one company or small group of people manages to
develop godlike digital super intelligence, they could take over the
world,” Musk said. “At least when there’s an evil dictator,
that human is going to die. But for an AI, there would be no death. It
would live forever. And then you’d have an immortal dictator from which
we can never escape.”

A development of
SIRI to self-driving cars, artificial intelligence is increasingly
encroaching into our everyday lives. And technology is threatening to
kick-start an autonomous weaponry arms race, with machines already able to
select and engage targets without human intervention. Cyber security
expert Dr Roman Yampolskiy has revealed exclusively to Daily Star Online
how mankind stands on the brink of catastrophe by pursuing such
technology presents a greater risk to humanity than nuclear war.

Are You Becoming A Cyborg?

The Lucifer Agenda .
. .
AI Technology ~ Crisper9 ~ Transhumanism ~ DNA
You feel like no one
cares about you anymore. Your identity is dissolving, your skills are
devalued (robots are faster, more efficient), your human rights are
challenged, and God doesn’t exist. So what, you may ask, is the point?
We have allowed a 'cabal' to emerge that is bent on destroying sacred
principals that afford us true happiness . . . family tradition,
human rights, community, spiritual guidance, love, and a healthy sense of
'self'. The foundational and primal building blocks of human happiness are
in danger of rapidly disappearing. With the destruction of the family,
church, and the dissolution of our national pride (the reasons people have
traditionally held for their very existence), our country and its citizens
are in danger of declining into extinction. Our laws and borders
have been violated resulting in the massive influx of drugs, illegal
migrants, and the criminally insane who are facilitated and encouraged by
the 'Liberal Radicals'. Our society, schools, institutions, and way of
life have been burdened and disrupted with the mentally ill and
The outcome is
predictable: imprisonment, isolation, depression, anxiety, mind control,
drug abuse, sexual confusion, sickness, technical manipulation,
despondency, and eventual death. The Liberal/Progressives
(Lucifer's cyborgs) have killed God, family, and community and they’re
coming for you next.
Senator and big spender, Ed Markey, (another wacko liberal),has
introduced a bill that would shovel no less than a billion dollars toward
the universal flu-vaccine project. Here is a sentence from an NIAID
press release that mentions one of several research approaches:
“NIAID Vaccine Research Center scientists have initiated Phase 1/2
studies of a universal flu vaccine strategy that includes an
investigational DNA-based vaccine (called a DNA ‘prime’)…”
This is quite troubling, if you know
what the phrase ‘DNA vaccine’ means. It refers to what the experts are
touting as the next generation of immunizations. Instead of injecting a
piece of a virus into a person, in order to stimulate the immune system,
synthesized genes would be shot into the body. This isn’t traditional
vaccination anymore. It’s gene therapy. In any such method, where genes
are edited, deleted, added, no matter what the pros say, there are always
'unintended consequences', to use their polite phrase. The ripple
effects scramble the genetic structure in numerous unknown ways.
What the 'Radicals'
have neglected to admit to our youth . . .
- No one has
bothered to teach millennials the lessons of socialism, such as the
tragic story of Venezuela. Once one of the wealthiest countries in
Latin America, it is now ravaged by runaway inflation and massive
government corruption and ruled with an iron fist by a socialist
- No one has
bothered to teach millennials about the miracle of India, which has
switched from a broken socialist system to an expanding,
neo-capitalist economy that has created a middle class of 300 million,
the largest in the free world.
- No one has
bothered to teach millennials the first law of socialism - abolish
private property. So, millennials, hand over your iPhone and iPad.
- No one has
bothered to teach young Americans that the second law of socialism is
that religion is an opiate of the people and will be terminated.
Instead, you will be obliged to worship 'Big Brother'.
Motivated by the
promise of power
and fame, the puppets emerge
from the dark cracks of society's subconscious to enforce the dictates
of an evil hidden force.
Victims of Venezuelan socialism who
have come to America recently attended a Venezuela Freedom Rally in
Washington, D.C., where Campus Reform asked them for their message to
Americans who supported socialism. They warned Americans: “Don’t
fall for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders, or Elizabeth Warren
'hype'. We followed that failed scheme and now we’re eating out of
garbage cans.”
Sanders is your enemy. Do not ever, ever get involved with this individual
or any of the other socialists,” one man who escaped Venezuelan
socialism warned. “People are eating from trash bags in the streets.”
Venezuela, there is no food, no medicine, education, no nothing”,
another woman added. Others warned Americans not to fall for socialism’s
false promises, and to beware of its gradual usurpation of citizens’
Climate change is a hoax
developed as part of a secret plot by the United Nations to undermine democracies
and takeover the world, a top adviser to Tony Abbott, Australia’s prime
minister, has warned. Maurice Newman, the chief business adviser to the
prime minister, said the science showing links between human activity and
the warming climate was wrong, but was being used as a 'hook' by the UN to
expand its global control. “This is not about facts or logic.
It’s about a new 'World Order' under the control of the UN,” he
wrote in The Australian.
left-wingers (Democrats) are trying to make America globally irrelevant by
redefining our heritage, rights, institutions, freedom, and lifestyle.
They are dangerous and must not be elected into government positions.
Those presently holding office who openly trash the country must be
'removed' with your awareness and vote. Recognize who
these 'saboteurs' really are. They are psychopathic power-driven communists!!!
which has destroyed Europe through orchestrated immigration, has focused on destroying
the US for decades by eliminating its middle class (in particular - the
white population). Its intent serves the interests of the
elite cabal who possess the majority of the world's wealth. They own and
manage large corporations (monopolies) controlling the economy,
the media, and the government. They have determined what is to be
reported and what isn't, who is defamed and who is glorified, who can defy
our laws and who is 'nailed to the cross', etc. By controlling the
media, they have dominated and manipulated public awareness. They
have aspired towards world domination by instigating tension
and hatred within societies to divide the populace and
demoralize national pride and love of
country. Look what has happened to Europe - Germany in
particular. It's an old aggressive ploy - divide and conquer.
Here in the US, the
liberals have focused on
the elimination of moral and religious principles, funded and
orchestrated student outbursts on campus
universities, saturated the minds of our youth with socialistic/communistic dogma,
encouraged people to mock, disrespect, and violate our Constitution and
history whenever possible, blatantly sabotaged
the efforts of President Trump with false and vicious accusations,
trashed capitalism in lieu of installing a Marxist
international economic order, opened our borders to millions of illegal
with radically different cultures and ideological bias creating chaos,
hardship, and
division within our society - all the while
instilling fear and confusion with their unscientific claims about climate
change and the destruction of the planet. The list is endless. The 'radical
left ' have been programmed to destroy the US and create a 'One World
Government'. We cannot allow this to happen! They have got to go!
The radical
Left-Wing Democrats and their communistic agenda must be resisted. Be
informed and proactive. Protect the lives and future of
yourself and others. Support the efforts of President
Trump. Resist these ugly 'clones' infected with the virus of
'hate, ignorance, and destruction'.
And no one questions
how he
made it? Maybe
it's time to connect
some dots.
Maybe . . .

However, there
are several emerging biotechnologies that raise ethical questions
regarding the definition of personhood. One of these innovations uses gene
editing (CRISPR-Cas9) and stem cell technologies to create
human-pig or human-sheep chimeras [and the] ethical fear that these
technologies may generate animals that incorporate human cells into their
brains or sex organs - situations that require broader discussions
regarding whether such organisms attain the status of personhood - require
your attention.



Looks like we're not out of the woods
with this one.
There's a lot of
buzz on YouTube about an impending Pole Shift.
Like everyone else, I had hoped
the threat had passed
since it was scheduled for 2012. Maybe Patrick Geryl
wrong with his prediction after all.


Raytheon Corporation is the
third largest weapons manufacturer, and is a partner
in HAARP. Raethon
also tells the weather to the American Meteorological Service
(AMS) and is
the leading corporation in Weather Modification Nano Technology,
as well
as advanced Weather Weapon Systems. Here is Raytheon's ‘Ray Gun’
. . .
crowd control, weather modification, weapons systems, weather
forecasting . . .
Still think they can't alter the weather?
Visit - geoengineeringwatch.org/Dane
Deborah Tavares is a researcher-activist, who documents EVERYTHING with
incredible acuteness. She informs us on how the Rockefellers
and the Rothschilds are 'positioning' to restructure North America.
One of the apparent ‘tools’ for their soon-to-be-realized ‘pipe
dream’ is the use of man-made climate 'challenges' followed by
AI technology. The apparent buzzword they will use to implement their
plans is 'Resilience' which, according to Deborah, is a false
policy. She believes the recent 'fires' and 'mud slides' in California
were part of the scheme towards implementing the Singularity and One World
Government.. Visit her website:
REVIEW: Dark secrets exist at the heart of AI:
“We don’t
even understand how these synthetic minds are figuring us out . . . and
making decisions that could be unpredictable and inscrutable.”
The computers that run those
services have programmed themselves, and they have done it in ways we
cannot understand. Even the engineers who build these apps cannot fully
explain their behavior. This raises mind-boggling questions. As the
technology advances, we might soon cross some threshold beyond which using
AI requires a leap of faith. Sure, we humans can’t always truly explain
our thought processes either—but we find ways to intuitively trust and
gauge people. Will that also be possible with machines that think and make
decisions differently from the way a human would? We’ve never before
built machines that operate in ways their creators don’t understand. How
well can we expect to communicate and get along with intelligent machines
that could be unpredictable and inscrutable?
years' of failed doomsday prophecies from
various sources of a fatalistic collision with the
planet Nibiru (Planet X), Yuval Ovadia made the following announcement in
response to the U.S. government's 2/6/19 report that stated the magnetic north pole is shifting far more quickly than
previously thought indicating something strange is happening deep
beneath the Earth’s crust. Ovadia, whose films on ‘Nibiru’
have garnered hundreds of thousands of views, attributed this recent
anomaly in the magnetic pole to the approach of the mega-star Nibiru and its
accompanying constellation.
Unfortunately, neither has the 'EMP'
scare disappeared. If anything,
it is now more of a 'reality'
than a few years ago. Although more people
are aware of the severe
implications of an EMP explosion and how it can
'wipe out' the grid (for an
indefinite time) in any area of the country, it
wouldn't hurt to review
this horrific possibility.

Tom Horn stated that, "Since its inception, America has
been under the control of the 'occult' and that the Founding
Fathers actually prophesied a coming global leader that is going
to lead the United States into a 'New World Order', who Horn
asserted would be the Antichrist. He said, "The Time
cover was a prophetic sign that Trump is leading that battle
against this coming supernatural darkness." He asked,
"Did you see what Time magazine did?” He then
commented, “In their feature article on Trump called ‘Trump
Goes To War Against Washington, D.C.’, they showed a giant
picture of him leaning against the 'obelisk' and breaking it. That
was a very subtle and telling message about who this war is
against. This is a battle against supernaturalism. Some got it and
most didn’t, but that is exactly the point that they were
a 'con' game!! These power-driven hypocrites really think they can
fool the American public with their devious, flip-flop politics and
tactics. They and their communistic/socialistic left-wing party have long
endeavored to bankrupt and sabotage our nation with their devious
politics. America - fight back. Support the President and his
efforts to protect this country. Let's build the wall and fix the grid and
throw these phonies out of office.


Laitman said it very well over at The Jerusalem Post:
"Neoliberalism, which has
destroyed Europe through immigration, and nearly destroyed the US by
eliminating its middle class, has been the sole ruling agenda in the US
for decades. It serves the interests of the small elite group of magnates
who control the American economy, the media, and thereby the government,
all the way up to the White House. They determine what is reported and
what is not, who is defamed and who is glorified. By controlling the
media, they have dominated public discourse, public opinion, and have
avoided criticism. This is ingenious, but deadly to society. Their best
interest is not the best interest of the American people. They aspire for
world domination . . . through proxies such as Obama and Clinton."

voters, beware! The liberals are doing their best to drive a wedge between
you and your President. Don’t let it happen. Funnel their allegations of
'flip flopping','180s', and all their malicious accusations with the same
alert skepticism you used in assessing their bogus campaign charges of
'racism', 'sexism', 'anti-Semitism', and every other negative ‘ism’ they
accused Trump with. Their 'soiled past' is wearing them down and they're
frantically hoping to smear others for their many felonies before they are
exposed. They have shown the World
how ineffective, ignorant, and vindictive they are. Trump is an expert when it
comes to dealing with phonies. He holds the last Ace in the
deck. Liberals beware! You're not fooling anyone but
Evil to the core . . .
In a new
report from Wikileaks, it’s now alleged that these three PSYCHOPATHS
oversaw a 'coup' to remove Pope Benedict.
Here are details from
Gloria TV:
George Soros, Barack
Obama and Hillary Clinton orchestrated a coup in the Vatican to overthrow
the conserva- tive Pope Benedict and replace him with radical 'leftist' Pope
Francis, according to a group of Catholic leaders citing evidence from
various sources including WikiLeaks . . .
(A strong individual is an 'informed'
If you think you've
entered the twilight zone, you have. Humanity is at a
perilous juncture in history. We have entered into an
'orchestrated' fake reality in which we cannot tell who is human.
What can an individual do about decisions and policies being made
without their consent? For starters, we must become proactive.
Draw your line in the sand, whatever the cost. Now is the time to
really scrutinize the products you buy. Refuse GMO contamination
in food, beauty products, health aides, clothing, home articles,
medicine, etc. Choose wisely and only use products made with real
ingredients. Limit your exposure to AI technology, synthetics, and
chemicals. Do not trust labeling because you will not get
the true story. Our survival is at stake. Resist the
deranged psychopaths in every way you can. Boycott their
products. Don't become a cyborg. |

While thousands opened their hearts to
the 'man in white', they didn't know they were being 'conned'.

A major
CATHOLIC newspaper (The REMNANT) asked Donald Trump to investigate whether
a conspiratorial 'Vatican - U.S.' Democratic Party alliance forced the
abdication of Pope Benedict and tinkered with the ensuing Conclave to
insure the election of Pope Francis (Petrus Romanus) in order to
make (as Father Malichi Martin had warned) . . . the Catholic Church an
instrument of the prophesied final 'World Order'.
(Looks like
Tom Horn's published novel 'Petrus Romanus' was right on target).

A group of
clergy and lay scholars from around the world have taken the very
rare step of presenting Pope Francis with a formal filial
correction, accusing him of propagating heresies concerning
marriage, the moral life, and reception of the sacraments.
us the truth, dear Lord . . .

Let me share with you
some very alarming facts about the government (in collusion with dear ol'
Bill Gates) and how they have eliminated your access to web design
software & stifled your abilities to publish on the web.
ensure the highest-standard of care possible for our patients, Greed
Spine operates on a private-pay, concierge-fee basis. Our
patients have full access to
Dr. Greed and his team for surgery, follow-up appointments, and ongoing
treatment as necessary. If surgery is required, most hospital and surgery
center fees are covered under Medicare or private
. . . . . . . (Not true) . . . . .
It's a
fact that these doctors don't have a contract with Medicare and the
out of pocket for a patient is astronomical. How
much does a concierge doctor cost? Fees for retainer-based care run from
$80 a month to $25,000 a year, with most doctors charging about $100
a month, experts say. A typical concierge physician has about 600 patients
compared with the 2,500 or so patients of a typical primary-care
physician. Do
concierge doctors take Medicare? No. When you pay their yearly assignment
fee, you may get some services or amenities that Medicare doesn't cover.
Doctors who provide concierge care must still follow all Medicare rules.
All Medicare doctors (regardless of whether or not they accept assignment)
can charge you for items and services that Medicare doesn't cover. (That's
going to their 'up front' out of pocket fee for your surgery). Do the
research before you attend any of their lectures or consider their


your happy occasion
on this website